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National Police officers to control number of passengers in public transport. ВИДЕО

The National Police of Ukraine must control the number of passengers in public transport, First Deputy Chairman of Kyiv City State Administration Mykola Povoroznyk has stated.

As reported by Censor.NET.

"The Department of Transport, due to the fact that the metro is closed, must ensure the operation of public transport. A decision was made to suspend the transportation of more than 10 passengers simultaneously in one transport vehicle. This will be controlled by the public health service and the National Police," he said.

The Cabinet of Ministers decided to restrict passenger transport services in Ukraine from March 18 to April 3 in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection. The resolution imposes a ban on rail, air as well as bus intercity and interregional passenger transport services, as well as the operation of subways.

The document, in particular, stipulates for the suspension of the transportation of more than 10 passengers simultaneously in trams, trolleybuses and road transport, in buses that perform regular passenger transport services on city routes.