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Number of women in Armed Forces increased by 40% in two years. Almost 43,000 are currently serving, - Ministry of Defense


In 2 years, the number of women in the Ukrainian army increased by 12 thousand. Currently, almost 43,000 female military personnel are serving.

This is reported by Censor.NET with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

The department explains what has already changed in equality matters in the army for servicewomen since 2021. According to the Ministry of Defense, all restrictions on the access of servicewomen to all positions were eliminated.

"If earlier women could serve in the positions mainly as medical specialties, signallers, accountants, records managers, and cooks, so now a woman in the army can be a driver, grenade launcher operator, deputy commander of a reconnaissance group, commander of infantry fighting vehicles (IFV), repairer, machine gunner, sniper, etc." - the department emphasizes.

Previously, a contract for military service was signed by women aged 18 to 40, while men did not have such a restriction. Now, representatives of both sexes from 18 to 60 years of age, can become contractors.

Regarding maternity leave, the Ministry of Defense adds, that the duration specified in the medical opinion is counted towards the term of service in the military rank.

In addition, they provided an opportunity for military education at all levels. Since 2019, the Government of Ukraine has allowed girls to enter military lyceums. Women who see themselves as officers of the Armed Forces in the future have access to all levels of military education. They are allowed to master the same specialties as men, and later serve in a wide range of positions.

Systematic work was also organized to improve the level of competence of the staff to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men.

"Previously, trainings, seminars, meetings, educational programs, round tables with the participation of international organizations, experts and specialists on issues of equality of the Ukrainian military were not held. Currently, this work takes place constantly in all military units," the Ministry of Defense emphasizes.

The department adds that they take into account aspects of equality during the development of normative legal acts, and all documents developed by the Ministry of Education and Culture undergo a gender examination.

"Additional places of residence, restrooms for the organization of proper conditions for the service of servicewomen, military uniforms - the financial component of these issues is always analyzed before the stage of planning the allocation of costs. Until recently, there were no separate conditions, and even more so, "uniforms for women" in the Ukrainian army," the Ministry of Defense emphasizes.

In addition, each branch commander received a full-time adviser. Also, the function of freelance adviser on gender issues was introduced in the system of the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of Ukraine - there are 81 freelance and 74 - on a voluntary basis.

"Work continues on the material and technical support of servicewomen. In particular, the creation of new models of military uniforms and means of personal protection, taking into account anthropometric data," the Ministry of Defense notes and adds that Ukraine continues to integrate NATO standards into the Armed Forces, in particular, in the field of gender equality.

Cooperation has also been established with international partners: the UN structure "Women in Ukraine", the OSCE (The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe), the NATO structure, as well as with national public organizations.

"We clearly follow the principles of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and strategic planning documents that guarantee equal rights for women and men in the Armed Forces," the Ministry of Defense summarized.