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Telegram channel spreading information about terrorist attacks in Lviv is blocked - MIA

МВС заблокувало телеграм-канал що поширював інформацію про теракти у Львові

Law enforcement officers have blocked a telegram channel that disseminated information about terrorist attacks in Lviv.

Censor.NET reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is noted that at the time of the blocking, the audience of the online resource had more than 2500 participants.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the channel was administered from the territory of the Russian Federation.

"This is not the first time that enemy disinformation has tried to sow panic and destabilize the mood in society. Operational measures aimed at identifying the persons involved in the dissemination of messages are ongoing," the Interior Ministry said.

The Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security (Spravdi) writes that an anonymous person threatened terrorist attacks in Lviv schools in a Telegram channel. Initially, the channel had about 20 subscribers, but quickly gained popularity.

According to Spravdi, the channel was called "Horror Lviv".

Скрін з телеграм-каналу, що поширював інформацію про теракти у Львові

As reported earlier, the Dzvin movie theater burned down in Lviv on September 18. Preliminary, the cause of the fire is called arson.

And on the night of September 15-16, a coffee shop owned by Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier Luka Karpiuk was attacked. The attacker smashed shop windows, furniture and dishes inside the premises, causing considerable damage to the establishment. He has already been detained by law enforcement.