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State Inspection of Ukraine on overland transport security to be liquidated before end of year, Infrastructure Minister says

The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine with the support of the Israeli colleagues establishes the State Overland Transport Security Service along the same line with the police.

Minister of Infrastructure Andrii Pyvovarskyi said at a briefing, Censor.NET reports citing Ukrinform.

"Today we eliminate Ukrtransinspektsia (State Inspection of Ukraine on overland transport security - Ed.) and establish the State Overland Transport Security Service. The new people, whom we select through the interviews and special screening, will work in the agency. Our Israeli partners are investing their efforts into this process," the minister said.

The minister noted that the process of creation of the new service will be completed this year.

"The testing will be completed until the end of the year," Andrii Pyvovarskyi said.

Read more: "It is hard work serving in new police. 25 officers have quit the ranks of patrol police in Kyiv," - Interior Minister