"Key suspect in Maidan shooting Yura Yenakiyevskiy covered by PGO. Do we have justice?" - Butusov
The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine impedes the investigation of crimes involving Yanukovych's ally Yuriy Ivanyushchenko known in criminal circles as Yura Yenakiyevskiy.
This was announced by Censor.NET Chief Editor Yurii Butusov in a TV show. He says the investigation team has evidence linking Yura Yenakiyevskiy to organizing the shooting at protesters on Maidan, but the PGO leadership is going to all lengths to terminate further investigation.Butusov cited the official probe data that during protests on Maidan the so-called titushkas, who were organized by people close to Yura Yenakiyevskiy, were given 408 rifles and 90,000 rounds of ammunition from the warehouses of the Interior Ministry to fire at Maidan activists.
"Yura Yenakiyevskyi is one of the key suspects in Maidan shooting. He and his proxies have people's blood on their hands, which is a proven fact. So when we hear that such things are covered by the prosecutor general, the question arises whether we have the judicial system," Butusov said.