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Another hacker attack in Ukraine expected on Independence Day, Aug. 24, - Head of Cyberpolice Demediuk

интернет хакеры компьютер взлом вирус кибератаки

Ukraine expects another cyberattack upon its computer systems on Aug. 24, Independence Day.

This was announced by head of Cyberpolice Department Serhii Demeduik in an interview to Hlavkom, Censor.NET reports.

"We warn you it will be on Aug. 24, Independence Day. We've observed these attacks occur on the eve on on some important holidays in Ukraine," he said answering the question when the next cyberattack upon Ukraine computer systems is possible.

Demediuk said the affected software M.E.Doc had many elements, many of which haven't been activated.

Read more: Ukraine's SBU says Russian secret services involved in Petya.A attack

"We do not yet know entirely what the features of the virus are. We have about 1,300 official statements where we initiated criminal investigations.

"We have to take into account that if the criminals have destroyed this important communication channel, they have reserves. Very powerful reserves. We are now trying to find another channel. I really want to hope that Petya.A accidentally affected the channel and burned their network, but probably it's not the case. Because we know exactly that the major goal of the cybercriminals is to destroy the traces of meddling with the vulnerable critical objects," he said.

As reported, on June 27-29, numerous Ukrainian companies, government agencies, and banks were attacked by a large-scale computer virus Petya.A. The cyberattack was aimed at destabilization of current situation in Ukraine, SBU said.