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Consequences of Ukrainian drone strikes on Borisoglebsk military airfield in Voronezh region of RF. PHOTO

The satellite recorded the aftermath of Ukrainian drone strikes on the operational Borisoglebsk military airfield in the Voronezh region of Russia.

This is reported by Schemes, Censor.NET informs.

Наслідки ударів по російському аеродрому Борисоглебськ

Planet Labs satellite imagery from 14 August shows that Ukrainian drones hit the north-western part of the airport, destroying several hangars.

Наслідки ударів по російському аеродрому Борисоглебськ

According to aviation expert Anatolii Khrapchynskyi, the technical and operational unit is located there, which is engaged in aircraft repair and maintenance.

Наслідки ударів по російському аеродрому Борисоглібськ

The Borisoglebsk airfield is used by the Russian Air Force, with Su-25, Su-30, Su-34 and Su-35 aircraft based there.