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“Serve and Defend” - Poroshenko initiates creation of National Police

The president is planning to submit a draft law on the National Police to Verkhovna Rada in the nearest time.

It was stated by him at the presentation of the State Program for Reforming the Internal Affairs Bodies in Odesa State University of Internal Affairs, Censor.NET reports citing the president's press office.

"It will not be a simple transformation of militia into police. It will be a new face of the law enforcement bodies," the Head of State emphasized.

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The president has noted that the reform of patrol service presented by First Deputy Minister of the Interior Eka Zguladze is only the first step in the reformation of the entire law enforcement system. The Head of State has positively evaluated Georgian experience of reforms and the first results of Eka Zguladze's work in Ukraine. He has expressed hope that she would manage to fulfill all her plans.

The Head of State has urged the attendees to enter the ranks of new patrol service. According to him, in the late August new patrol service will begin functioning in Odesa, Lviv and Kharkiv.

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The president has noted that in the framework of reforms, it was planned not only to establish new level of requirements to the quality of work, but also to improve material-technical support of law enforcers. The salary of patrolmen will increase up to UAH 8-10 thousand.

Eka Zguladze has informed on the main aspects of reform. The First Deputy Minister has particularly emphasized that the motto of new patrolmen would be "Serve and Defend". "Service is a new philosophy. Our people have been serving the authorities for too long. It is time to change that," she noted. Training of patrolmen in Odesa will begin on April 20. In Kyiv, new patrolmen are already being trained and will start working on June 15.

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The president examined the vehicles that will be used by new patrol service and drove one of them from the University of Internal Affairs to Odesa Opera and Ballet Theater.

Оглянув та особисто випробував автомобіль, який буде використовувати нова патрульна служба в Одесі. pic.twitter.com/n7s1QIMzIy

- Петро Порошенко (@poroshenko) 10 апреля 2015