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There is no invasion of Belgorod region by Ukraine, there are raids - ISW


The Russian Defense Ministry said that the military had prevented an attack on the Belgorod direction from Ukraine. However, ISW analysts point out that military doctrine defines such actions as raids

This is stated in the report of Institute for the Study of War (ISW), іnforms Censor.NЕТ

Analysts draw attention to the number of "invaders" - figures in Russian sources vary from 10 people to about a company. According to military doctrine, these actions are defined as raids - in the US Army's charter, a raid is a small-scale offensive operation that includes rapid penetration of enemy territory to obtain information, disrupt enemy forces, or destroy facilities. Raids end with a planned withdrawal from a narrowly defined area and are not intended to hold the territory for the long term.

"The actions of the Russian Volunteer Corps and the Russian Freedom Legion, contrary to their statements, fully fit this definition," ISW writes.