Changes introduced by Ministry of Defense regarding write-off of military property only complicated procedure. List of documents has increased by another 22 types, - people’s deputy of "Voice", warrior Kostenko

Despite the fact that the Verkhovna Rada adopted a draft law on simplifying the procedures for writing off military property, the Ministry of Defense proposed and implemented its own procedure for changes. However, the procedures have not actually become easier, but on the contrary - they have become even more complicated.
This was announced by the people's deputy of "Voice", soldier Roman Kostenko on Facebook, commenting on the situation regarding the simplification of procedures for writing off military property, Censor.NET informs.
He reminds that on October 5, the Verkhovna Rada was adopted as a basis, and in general it registered the project of the law on simplifying the procedures for writing off the property in the Armed Forces No. 10039, which has long been expected in the troops. About two weeks passed from the moment of registration of the bill to the vote in the hall. Parliament performed its work responsibly and very quickly.
"Subsequently, the President, the Ministry of Defense, and the Ministry of Statistics reported that they independently made relevant decisions and developed their normative acts that simplify the procedure for writing off military property. This is even though the draft law already voted by the VRU was sent to the Office of the President for signature. Changes developed in the Ministry of Defense in the order of cancellation, they were sent to the military for execution, and it turned out that the procedures have not become easier, but on the contrary, they have become even more complicated," Kostenko notes.
According to him, there have been more agreements with law enforcement agencies, and the existing list of documents required for writing off a unit of property has increased by another 22 types!!!
"This is what happens when reforms are not developed by military personnel who are fighting, but by those who most of the time sit in offices and do not see the realities to which it is necessary to adapt.
Meanwhile, commanders and officers turn to me en masse with the questions of why everything turned out the other way around, and why they don't sign the adopted Law that simplifies everything.
Therefore, I would like to appeal to the President of Ukraine with a request to sign the adopted Law (draft law No. 10039) as soon as possible. This was not a draft law exclusively of Roman Kostenko or another deputy from the opposition faction. At the stage of registration, it was signed by more than 40 deputies from almost all political forces, including many from "Servant of the People". 302 people's representatives voted for him in the hall. This Law is not about politics. He is for the army! The army is counting on its implementation," the people's deputy called.
"And if you plan to postpone it for political reasons, then simply implement the procedures contained in it at the level of by-laws.
The troops will thank you for this. I will repeat it once more. This draft law was developed not for the sake of some political bonuses, but to solve real problems," he adds.