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News United Russia

У російській Пермі підпалили офіс Єдиної Росії Two women set fire to "United Russia"’s office in Perm, Russia - Russian media. VIDEO+PHOTOS In the Russian city of Perm, two women threw Molotov cocktails through the windows of the "United Russia" party office. 5 426 17

росія In Russian State Duma, drunken deputy spoke about war with NATO, but was interrupted. VIDEO Sergei Veremeenko, a deputy from the ruling United Russia party, has caused a scandal in the State Duma. Not only did he show up to the meeting, probably under the influence of alcohol, but he also tried to talk about the war with NATO. 29 734 35 World

россия,единая,росія,єдина Russians in occupied territories of eastern Ukraine force state employees to join United Russia - National Resistance Center In the temporarily occupied territories of Eastern Ukraine, the Russians require all employees of "state structures" to write applications for joining the United Russia party of Vladimir Putin. 524 6 War in Ukraine

окупант "We’ll come for you, wait for us" - military from Voronezh threaten to kill a United Russia official. VIDEO Radical sentiments and anger at their government are growing in ranks of occupying army fighting in Ukraine. A group of soldiers from Voronezh recorded a video threatening an official from United Russia party. 23 424 41 Previously in trend: War

Russian MPs propose allowing police to use lethal force against protesters Members of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (United Russia party) Vasily Piskarev and Ernest Valeev have registered a bill that stipulates granting permission to the police officers to use firearms against participants of unauthorized demonstrations. 34 008 169 Incidents

Share of Russia’s budget oil and gas revenues slumped from 70 to 45 percent, - PM Medvedev The share of the Russian federal budget revenues from oil and gas production fell from 70 to 45 percent. 22 584 167 Previously in trend: Economic disaster

Regions Deputies Mohylev and Kolesnichenko Dancing with United Russia Deputies Arms-in-Arms to Regions Deputies Mohylev and Kolesnichenko Dancing with United Russia Deputies Arms-in-Arms to 'Our Motherland is Great Russia'. VIDEO The head of Crimea Party of Regions and Autonomous Republic's Prime Minister Anatoliy Mohylev and Vadym Kolesnichenko (Language Law author) were dancing with the representatives of Putin's United Russia party arms-in-arms to the Regions' anthem. 15 407 331 Ukrainian Politics