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Russian diplomat in Switzerland tried to buy weapons shortly before Global Peace Summit

Дипломат РФ намагався придбати зброю незадовго до Саміту миру

A few weeks before the Global Peace Summit, an employee of the Russian Embassy in Switzerland tried to buy weapons.

This is reported by the Tages-Anzeiger, Censor.NET reports.

Intelligence services said that the Russian agent worked as a diplomat in Bern. The man tried to buy weapons and dangerous substances in several places in Switzerland.

A Swiss-German arms dealer said that he had visited his shop but had not bought anything.

Law enforcement officers conducted several searches. However, it is not yet known whether anyone has been arrested.

Despite the fact that the diplomat enjoys immunity, the Prosecutor General's Office has asked the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs to remove it, and the Federal Council to allow criminal proceedings to be initiated.

According to the newspaper, the Russian diplomat has already left Switzerland.