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w117_header_alt Cyberattack upon Ukraine

интернет хакеры компьютер взлом вирус кибератаки Another hacker attack in Ukraine expected on Independence Day, Aug. 24, - Head of Cyberpolice Demediuk Ukraine expects another cyberattack upon its computer systems on Aug. 24, Independence Day. 20 667 47 Previously in trend: Cyberattack upon Ukraine

турчинов Parliament members became accomplices in cybercrimes against own country, - Turchynov Many Ukrainian companies haven't recovered fully from the large-scale cyberattack of June 27. 273 905 101 Previously in trend: Cyberattack upon Ukraine

кабмин хакеры вирус Ukraine's SBU says Russian secret services involved in Petya.A attack The most recent cyberattack upon Ukrainian state agencies and companies with Petya.A malware was aimed at destabilization of current situation in Ukraine. 125 822 238 Previously in trend: Cyberattack upon Ukraine

снбо турчинов NSDC Secretary Turchynov says analysis shows Russian trace in cyberattack virus Ukraine's National Coordination Center for Cybersecurity operates in quick response mode. 605 955 165 Previously in trend: Cyberattack upon Ukraine

crime cyber кибер List of Ukrainian companies and agencies whose websites were attacked by hackers on June 27 (live updates) On June 27, Ukrainian companies, government agencies, and banks were attacked by a large-scale computer virus. 334 111 247 Previously in trend: Cyberattack upon Ukraine

кабмин хакеры вирус Large-scale cyberattack in Ukraine: Cabinet of Ministers computer system affected, - Deputy PM Rozenko. PHOTO Ukraine government's computers stopped operating. Chances are they have been affected by June 27 cyberattack upon Ukraine. 67 883 205 Previously in trend: Cyberattack upon Ukraine

хакеры Largest Ukrainian banks and businesses attacked by hackers demanding $300 in bitcoins for decryption key. PHOTO Computer systems of Kyivenerho company (Kyiv area power supplier), Boryspil international airport, some large banks (Oshchadbank, OTP) and other companies (Nova Poshta, Ukrtelekom) have been attacked by hackers employing a virus similar to WannaCry. 142 846 122 Photo News