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Verkhovna Rada Committee approves draft law on BES reboot that was not agreed with international partners - Zheleznyak

Комітет ВР схвали законопроєкт про перезавантаження БЕБ

The Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance has approved a bill to reboot the BES, which was not agreed with international partners.

This was announced by MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak of the "Voice" party, Censor.NET reports.

"The Committee approved the text of the law #10439 on the reset of the BES, which was not agreed with international partners," the statement said.

The decision was supported by 22 MPs, 3 abstained.

As a reminder, on 23 February, the Verkhovna Rada failed to vote for the government's draft law that would have postponed the reset of the Bureau of Economic Security (BES). At the same time, the Rada supported the proposal to send the draft law for a second first reading.