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Satellite images of Borisoglebsk military airfield after Ukrainian drone strike. PHOTO

The first satellite images of the Borisoglebsk military airfield in the Voronezh region of the Russian Federation have been released after a Ukrainian drone strike.

This was reported by Censor.NET with reference to Radio Liberty.

Ukraine may have already attempted to attack the Borisoglebsk airbase in the Voronezh region in the second half of September. Satellite imagery of the Borisoglebsk airfield shows traces of a fire that occurred before the Ukrainian drone strike last night, between September 19 and 22.

військовий аеродром Борісоглєбськ РФ

військовий аеродром Борісоглєбськ РФ

The October 3 images show several new fire marks in the runway area, but the buildings appear undamaged.

Військовий аеродром Борисоглєбськ після атаки дронів

On the night of 3 October, drones from the SSU, the SOF and the Defence Forces attacked the Borisoglebsk military airfield in the Voronezh region of Russia. The target of the attack was a warehouse with GABs, a parking lot for Su-35 and Su-34 aircraft, and aviation fuel storage sites at the airfield.