Ukraine canceled conscription for military service during war

Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada adopted a draft law on the specifics of conscription for military service and the activities of conscription commissions.
As Censor.NET informs, draft law No. 8109 was supported by 318 deputies.
The document supplements the law "On Military Duty and Military Service" with a new article, which determines that during the period of martial law, conscription for military service is not carried out.
At the same time, the draft law provides that, during martial law, conscription commissions are created to consider issues related to:
- organization of a medical examination of persons who are registered as conscripts and have reached the age of 27, their inclusion in the register of conscripts or their exclusion from the register;
- referral of conscripts who have expressed a desire to enter higher military educational institutions or military educational units of higher education institutions to pass tests and take entrance exams or make a decision to refuse such referral.