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Zelenskyy signs law on mobilization of convicts

Закон про мобілізацію увʼязнених

On Friday, May 17, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed Law 11079-1, which allows certain categories of prisoners to be mobilized into the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

According to Censor.NET, this became known from the card of law No. 11079-1 on the website of the Verkhovna Rada.

The law provides for the possibility of being released on parole for military service under a contract by a court decision. However, not everyone will be able to exercise this right.

Mobilization does not apply to those convicted of such crimes:

  • intentional murder of two or more people;
  • murder with particular cruelty;
  • murder combined with sexual rape;
  • crimes against sexual freedom and inviolability;
  • crimes related to terrorism;
  • violation of traffic rules while intoxicated, resulting in death;
  • murder or attempted murder of a law enforcement officer or military personnel;
  • particularly serious corruption offenses.

Earlier, Censor.NET reported that the Verkhovna Rada supported in the first reading the draft law No. 11079-1 on the mobilization of convicts.

On May 8, during a plenary session, the Verkhovna Rada allowed certain categories of prisoners to be mobilized into the ranks of the Armed Forces.