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Freedom of the press is important for Ukraine’s progress towards NATO, G7 ambassadors say

G7 ambassadors say freedom of press is important for progress towards NATO membership

The G7 considers press freedom important for Ukraine's progress on the Euro-Atlantic path.

This is stated in a statement by the G7 ambassadors following a meeting with independent journalists in Ukraine, Censor.NET reports.

"The G7 ambassadors had a valuable exchange of views with independent journalists in Ukraine on the current media space. Freedom of the press and pluralism are essential for strengthening democracy, supporting political debate and advancing Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic path," the diplomats said.

Earlier, the head of the Ministry of Culture Tochytskyi said that the state plans to stop supporting the marathon after the end of martial law, focusing on the sustainable development of media infrastructure.

Посли G7 назвали свободу преси важливим для просування на шляху до членства в НАТО