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As of 2025, Ukraine's bid for NATO membership remains a pivotal issue in global politics, particularly in the context of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict and broader European security dynamics. Recent discourse points to a significant public and governmental push in Ukraine towards joining NATO, considered as the key to ensuring national and regional stability. The debate intensifies with diverse international perspectives: while some Western leaders express cautious support conditioned on reforms, others, influenced by geopolitical considerations, show reluctance. High-level discussions and statements from global leaders, including U.S. and European officials, underline the complexity and strategic importance of Ukraine's potential NATO accession. This ongoing situation reflects not only the geopolitical shifts post-2020 but also the enduring challenges in aligning international security policies.
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News NATO Membership

Former Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis NATO membership is only effective guarantee of security for Ukraine, - former Lithuanian Foreign Minister Landsbergis Former Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said that the only effective guarantee of security for Ukraine from the allied countries is NATO membership. 480 16

Zelenskyy names opponents of Ukraine’s accession to NATO United States, Germany, Hungary, and Slovakia currently do not support our NATO membership - Zelenskyy. VIDEO President Volodymyr Zelenskyy named the countries that are still opposed to Ukraine's accession to NATO. 9 802 135

Ukraine will not give up on NATO accession during peace talks Ukraine will not make concessions on NATO accession during peace talks - Sybiha Ukraine will not make concessions on the issue of joining NATO during the upcoming negotiations on ending the war. 5 149 47 Previously in trend: War

Attitudes of Ukrainians towards EU and NATO membership Ukraine’s membership in NATO is higher priority for Ukrainians than membership in EU - KIIS poll. INFOGRAPHICS Ukrainian citizens consider joining NATO a higher priority than joining the EU. 1 179 16

Johnson on Ukraine’s membership in NATO Ukraine’s membership in NATO is not being actively discussed now, and this is great loss, because West is retreating again, - former British Prime Minister Johnson Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that the issue of Ukraine's membership in NATO is not being actively discussed now, and without it, it is impossible to achieve long-term peace in Ukraine. 2 812 17

Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry reacts to Nawrocki’s statement on joining the EU and NATO MFA of Ukraine on Nawrocki’s statement: It elicited applause in Kremlin The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has rejected "tendentious and manipulative" statements by Polish presidential candidate Karol Nawrocki, who earlier said that he did not see Ukraine as a member of NATO and the EU because of unresolved historical issues. 13 037 105

Polish presidential candidate Karol Nawrocki Today I see Ukraine neither in EU nor in NATO - Polish presidential candidate Nawrocki Karol Nawrocki, who is a presidential candidate in Poland and is supported by the opposition Law and Justice party, said that he does not see Ukraine as a member of the European Union or NATO until the issue of the Volyn tragedy is resolved. 7 969 139

Trump Sybiha on Trump’s statements: Ukraine is interested in active dialogue at level of leaders Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha commented on US President-elect Donald Trump's statement that the American leader understands the Russian Federation's reluctance to have Ukraine join NATO. 1 329 16

President of Ukraine Zelenskyy Ukraine has right to demand serious security guarantees that could stop Putin - Zelenskyy President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has commented on US President-elect Donald Trump' s statement that he "can understand the feelings" of the Russian Federation because of Ukraine's aspirations to join NATO. 1 866 39

Zelenskyy on Ukraine's membership in NATO Zelenskyy: Entire territory of Ukraine should receive invitation to NATO Ukraine does not want to involve other countries in a war with Russia, so we need an invitation to NATO. It should be extended to the entire territory of Ukraine within internationally recognized borders. 2 207 25 Previously in trend: War

Zelenskyy to call Biden: talk about invitation to NATO Zelenskyy will call Biden soon: they will talk about invitation to NATO President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is planning to call Joe Biden to discuss the issue of inviting Ukraine to NATO. 2 474 42 Previously in trend: Ukraine - NATO

Blinken Blinken on Ukraine’s invitation to NATO: More reforms are needed U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that practical steps, including reforms, are key to Ukraine's progress towards NATO. 6 706 118

Foreign Minister of Ukraine Andrii Sybiha Ukraine has received positive assessment of progress on its way to NATO membership – Sybiha The allies positively assessed Ukraine's efforts in implementing the Annual National Program, a plan to promote the country's membership in NATO. 1 306 21

Ukraine calls on NATO to decide on an invitation to join Ukraine does not demand NATO membership during war, however, this is our strategic goal - Sybiha Ukraine is not currently forcing its accession to NATO during the war but considers NATO membership to be the only possible guarantee of security for itself. 1 417 13

Trump's peace plans: what is known? Trump is offered three peace plans. Ukraine is outside NATO and ceding territories - Reuters Donald Trump's advisers put forward their proposals for ending Russia's war against Ukraine. 27 393 180 Previously in trend: War

Why NATO is delaying inviting Ukraine: waiting for Trump Latvian Foreign Minister Braže on Ukraine’s invitation to NATO: We are waiting for Trump The West is waiting for Donald Trump's administration to start working, and then the issue of Ukraine's membership in NATO will be decided. 1 635 11 Previously in trend: War

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock Ukraine needs real security guarantees. This should not be freezing of war, - Baerbock German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock calls for a lasting peace in Ukraine. To do this, our country needs security guarantees that really work. 1 297 0

Estonia: Ukraine's NATO membership is only guarantee of security Ukraine’s membership in NATO is the only guarantee of security: Estonian Foreign Ministry Ukraine's membership in NATO is a key condition for the country's security and the stability of the European security architecture. 387 0 Previously in trend: War

Who is against Ukraine's Invitation to NATO: Le Monde article United States, Germany and Hungary are still against inviting Ukraine to NATO – Le Monde France and the United Kingdom support Ukraine's invitation to join NATO, while a number of NATO countries are against it. 3 215 36

Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Andrii Sybiha on Budapest Memorandum Ukraine will not repeat same mistake as with Budapest Memorandum - Sybiha Ukraine's Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha said that the Budapest Memorandum failed to ensure Ukraine's security, as well as transatlantic security, so such mistakes should not be repeated. 3 444 52

G7 ambassadors say freedom of press is important for progress towards NATO membership Freedom of the press is important for Ukraine’s progress towards NATO, G7 ambassadors say The G7 considers press freedom important for Ukraine's progress on the Euro-Atlantic path. 2 709 37

NATO Ukraine Ukraine officially renounces guarantees that are substitutes for NATO membership - Foreign Ministry Ukraine will not accept any alternatives, surrogates or substitutes for Ukraine's full membership in NATO. 18 154 88

Zelenskyy on return of occupied territories: diplomacy is needed Ukraine cannot return occupied territories by force. We need to look for diplomatic solutions, - Zelenskyy. VIDEO President Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes that the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine can be returned to Ukraine through diplomatic means. 12 253 143 Previously in trend: War

Zelenskyy on ending hot phase of war Part of Ukraine’s territory cannot be invited to join NATO, we will never do it - Zelenskyy Currently, the best guarantee of security for our country is joining NATO. 6 407 84

Zelenskyy If we want to stop "hot phase" of war, we need to take territories of Ukraine under its control into NATO - Zelenskyy President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said he is ready to consider ending the "hot phase of the war" if the territories of Ukraine under its control are brought "under the NATO umbrella." 20 188 188

Ukraine calls on NATO to decide on membership invitation Ukraine calls on NATO to invite it to join Alliance - media Ukraine has called on NATO countries to decide on its invitation to join the Alliance. 4 517 51 Previously in trend: War

байден Biden administration planned to call for Ukraine’s NATO invitation, but changed its mind - Bloomberg The administration of the current US President Joe Biden intended to publicly call for an official invitation to Ukraine to join NATO but abandoned these plans. 12 765 49

фіцо Fico says he will oppose Ukraine’s membership in NATO as long as he is Prime Minister of Slovakia Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said that he would oppose Ukraine's accession to NATO as long as he is the Slovak prime minister. 2 784 30

Президент Володимир Зеленський Zelenskyy: There will be no bilateral agreement between Ukraine and Hungary without NATO clause Ukraine will not be able to conclude a bilateral agreement with Hungary without a NATO clause. 4 693 23

Лідер "ЄС" Петро Порошенко We really need US support, but Ukraine must do its part - Poroshenko Commenting on the US election results, Petro Poroshenko said that Ukraine could no longer afford irresponsible policies. 4 979 55

Зеленський виступив на саміті Європейської політичної спільноти в Будапешті During war, we saw failure of certain European approaches, - Zelenskyy President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that during the ongoing Russian war, Ukraine has seen the failure of certain European approaches. 2 266 18

Міністерка закордонних справ ФРН Анналена Бербок Ukraine’s future - in EU and NATO - Baerbock German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has emphasized that Ukraine's future is in the EU and NATO, but Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is trying to prevent Ukraine from making a free decision. 1 480 18

канцлер Німеччини Шольц та генсек НАТО Рютте No need for new decisions on Ukraine’s NATO membership now - Scholz German Chancellor Olaf Scholz sees no need to make new decisions on Ukraine's membership in NATO, including the issue of an invitation. 3 845 49

Єрмак про корупцію та незапрошення до НАТО Non-invitation to NATO due to corruption in Ukraine is search for reasons not to do so - OP The head of the Presidential Office, Andrii Yermak, believes that Ukraine's non-invitation to join NATO due to the level of corruption is just a search for reasons not to do so. 21 675 266 Previously in trend: Fighting corruption in Ukraine

Ейде вірить в Україну як у майбутнього члена НАТО Norwegian Foreign Minister Eide: I believe in Ukraine as future NATO member Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide said that Norway supports Ukraine's full membership in NATO. 401 9

Помічниця генсека НАТО заявила, що Альянс робить все, щоб Україна перемогла There is no doubt that Ukraine will become NATO member, - Rutte’s aide NATO is doing everything possible for Ukraine to win and become a member of the North Atlantic Alliance. 1 433 27

Президент України Володимир Зеленський Ukraine and Hungary preparing bilateral document, which includes issue of joining NATO - Zelenskyy Ukraine and Hungary are preparing a bilateral document on relations. In it, Kyiv will ask Budapest not to block the invitation to NATO. 1 721 20

Зеленський заявив, що запрошення до НАТО має бути прозорим Zelenskyy: Ukraine’s invitation to NATO should be transparent President Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes that Ukraine's invitation to NATO will help achieve a lasting peace, but it must be transparent. 1 700 29 Previously in trend: War

Зеленський на саміті Україна – Північна Європа Invitation to NATO will become insurmountable protective wall against Russia’s imperial ambitions, - Zelenskyy Today, we have a chance to win in Eastern Europe so that we do not have to fight on the northern and other eastern fronts, in the south or in African countries. 1 777 46

Посол Британії Гарріс про угоду про гарантії безпеки Security Assurances Agreements for Ukraine are not alternative to joining NATO, - British Ambassador Harris Security assurance agreements for Ukraine are not a substitute for NATO membership, they bring Ukraine closer to joining the Alliance. 943 9 Previously in trend: War

Міністр оборони Литви Лаурінас Кащюнас Ukraine should be admitted to NATO, - Lithuanian Defense Minister Kasčiūnas Ukraine's path to NATO membership should not be questioned. 856 9

шольц Scholz on first point of "Victory Plan": Country at war cannot become NATO member German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that there is currently "no need" to invite Ukraine to NATO. 10 183 145

Скільки українців підтримують вступ до ЄС та НАТО: опитування Центру Разумкова 88% of Ukrainians support joining EU and 86% support joining NATO - Razumkov Center poll. INFOGRAPHICS More than 80% of Ukrainian citizens would vote for Ukraine's accession to the EU and NATO in a referendum. 2 064 61

спікерка Сейму Литви Чміліте-Нільсен Ukraine’s accession to EU and invitation to NATO will send clear signal to Russia that it cannot intimidate other countries, - Speaker of Seimas of Lithuania Čmilytė-Nielsen Speaker of the Seimas of Lithuania Victoria Čmilite-Nielsen said that Ukraine's accession to the European Union and an invitation to join NATO would send a clear signal to Russia that it cannot intimidate other countries. 571 4

В ОП заперечили, що 7 країн проти вступу України до НАТО Media information that 7 NATO countries are against Ukraine’s invitation to Alliance is untrue - Zelenskyy’s spokesman Nykyforov The President's Office denied the information that 7 NATO member states oppose Ukraine's accession to the Alliance. 3 635 58

нато Besides US and Germany, there are other NATO countries that oppose Ukraine’s invitation - Politico Germany and the United States are among the major powers that have been slow to respond to Ukraine's call for NATO membership, but have not ruled it out altogether. However, there are other countries in the Alliance that are against it. 10 801 76

Стубб переконаний, що запрошення України в НАТО є неминучим Invitation of Ukraine to NATO is inevitable, - President of Finland Stubb President of Finland Alexander Stubb is convinced that Ukraine will eventually become a NATO member, its invitation is inevitable. 1 357 14 Previously in trend: NATO

США не готові запросити Україну до НАТО States are not ready to invite Ukraine to NATO - US ambassador Smith The United States is not ready to give Ukraine an invitation to NATO, which is a key point of Zelenskyy's "Victory Plan". 13 308 128 Previously in trend: War