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News cyber police

Official of Dnipro utility company is suspected of embezzling more than UAH 9 million on equipment purchases. Concluded procurement contracts at inflated prices: official of Dnipro municipal enterprise was served suspicion notice of embezzlement of over UAH 9 million - National Police. PHOTOS Cyberpolice officers of Dnipro city jointly with detectives of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine exposed a deputy director of a utility company who entered into contracts for the purchase of radio equipment at prices significantly higher than market prices. 743 0

хакер Man traded personal data of 300 million people from Ukraine and EU on Internet. PHOTO A 36-year-old resident of Khmelnytskyi region sold personal data of Ukrainian and EU citizens via Telegram. He also sold them to Russians. During the search, he beat up a cyber policeman. 8 146 37 Incidents

тимошенко After media investigation about deputy head of PO Tymoshenko, police opened proceedings: ex-Cyber Police officer was summoned for questioning After a journalist’s investigation into the deputy head of the PO Kyrylo Tymoshenko, the law enforcement officers opened proceedings, in particular, a former employee of the Cyber Police appears as a witness in it. 29 372 113 Ukrainian Politics

путін "Swan Lake" and portrait of Putin with black ribbon: Ukrainian cyber-front soldiers captured air on Russian TV. VIDEO Ukrainian soldiers of the cyber front launched their videos on Russian TV. 38 059 25 Previously in trend: War

Additional positions to be introduced in Ukrainian cyber police Additional positions to be introduced in Ukrainian cyber police Additional positions will be introduced in the Ukrainian cyber police to expand its capabilities. 1 971 17 Society

интернет хакеры компьютер взлом вирус кибератаки Another hacker attack in Ukraine expected on Independence Day, Aug. 24, - Head of Cyberpolice Demediuk Ukraine expects another cyberattack upon its computer systems on Aug. 24, Independence Day. 20 667 47 Previously in trend: Cyberattack upon Ukraine

хакеры Cyberpolice, SBU, prosecutor's office halted second wave of Petya attack, - Interior Minister Avakov On July 4, special agents of Cyberpolice department together with Security Service of Ukraine officers and Kyiv city prosecutor's office employees stopped the second wave of the cyberattack that employed Petya malware. 87 803 182 Incidents

турчинов Ukraine became testing ground for Russia's latest cyberweapon, - Turchynov Ukraine, where Russia commits regular cyberattacks in different sectors, has became a testing field for the aggressor's latest weapons. 30 806 53 Ukrainian Politics

наручники Administrators of Blue Whale suicidal game released Two medical college students were apprehended in Kyiv yesterday. 194 188 383 Incidents

аваков Cyber police competition sets records: 3,300 people have applied, - Interior Minister Avakov Over 3,300 persons have submitted applications for positions in the cyber police in less than a day. 21 649 111 Previously in trend: National Police recertification

аваков Avakov urges Cabinet to approve Cyber Police Department Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov asks the Cabinet of Ministers to urgently approve a decision on establishing the Cyber Police Department. 7 561 50 Ukrainian Politics