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Stay updated with the latest trends and events in the literary scene of Ukraine through our comprehensive coverage of books and literature-related news. In 2024, various initiatives and incidents have made headlines, including the launch of an eBook payment program for young adults through Diia and extraordinary recoveries of historical texts in conflict zones. The impact of the ongoing conflict has permeated the literary world with reports of stolen books and the preservation of cultural heritage being a significant concern. Public engagements, such as massive book donations and bans on Russian-language books, emphasize the community's role in shaping Ukraine's cultural and national identity. Additionally, revelations about thefts of invaluable editions and the banning of certain books reflect ongoing legal and ethical battles in the realm of literature. Explore these stories and more to understand the dynamic interplay between literature and societal changes in Ukraine.
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program for young people eBook New eBook payment program for 18-year-olds launched in Diia - Shmyhal A new eBook program for young people has been launched in Diia. 1 510 22

book,books,books,books, library,publishing house,publishing, publication 18-year-old Ukrainians will be able to get UAH 908 in Diia to buy books – Ministry of Digital Transformation The Cabinet of Ministers has adopted a resolution to launch eBooks in Action. 4 064 36

бахмут,кобзар Ukrainian soldiers in half-heartedly besieged Bakhmut found a 1917 edition of Kobzar among rubble from a destroyed house. The book will be sent for restoration. PHOTOS Today, on Taras Shevchenko’s birthday, Ukrainian soldiers in the partially besieged city of Bakhmut found a 1917 edition of Kobzar among ruins of a destroyed house. This book will be sent for restoration. 17 410 31 Previously in trend: War

херсон Russian occupiers took away priceless funds from Kherson library, - director Korotun The Russian occupiers took away from Kherson very valuable funds of the regional library named after Potter 5 612 42 Previously in trend: War

дугін Presentation of Dugin’s book in Gdansk was canceled after outrage in social networks A book by rashist ideologist Alexander Dugin was supposed to be presented at Gdansk University. Due to mass outrage in social networks, it was canceled. 12 663 35 World

ткаченко Occupiers were going to take Ukrainian books out of Balakliya - Tkachenko During the occupation of Balakliya in the Kharkiv region, the invaders, along with traitors, prepared books in the Ukrainian language for removal from the city. 3 188 16 Society

макулатура Kyiv residents turned in 25 tons of Russian books for waste paper. This money will buy car for military Almost 25 tons of Russian books were collected in the municipal bookstore "Syaivo knygi", which were later sent for processing. Proceeds will go to a car for defenders of Ukraine. 3 679 19 Kyiv News

книги Council banned import of Russian-language books Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada voted to ban the import of Russian-language literature. 6 690 117 Previously in trend: War

Entire circulation of book about poet Stus sold out after court Entire circulation of book about poet Stus sold out after court's ruling to ban the book - publishing house The publishing house Vivat declares that after the announcement by the Darnytsky district court of Kyiv of the decision to ban the distribution of the book "Vasyl Stus Case", its circulation was immediately sold out both from the publishing house and from distributors. 35 439 161 Previously in trend: Justice

порошенко Poroshenko visited 2017 Arsenal Book Festival in Kyiv. PHOTO The president was really impressed and pleased with the number of people wishing to attend the festival. 28 952 242 Ukrainian Politics

аваков апостол Minister Avakov: Operation to retrieve Apostol lasted one year, thieves tried to take antique book to Russia. PHOTOS Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov unveiled details of today's operation to retrieve the Apostol (Apostle), the rare book printed in 1564. 40 323 50 Incidents

книга "апостол" Three suspects put in custody after antique book earlier stolen from Kyiv’s Vernadskyi Library found. PHOTO Law enforcers detained three persons suspected of stealing the Apostol, a rare book kept in Vernadskyi National Library in Kyiv. 25 624 12 Incidents

книга Prosecutor's Office seeks Canada's help in establishing author of Yanukovych's book 'Opportunity Ukraine' Ukraine's Prosecutor General's Office has requested Canada's help in establishing authors of the book by fugitive Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, titled "Opportunity Ukraine." 29 451 84 Ukrainian Politics

турчинов добровольцы добробат Volunteer battalions promote ideology of independent country, - Turchynov. PHOTOS Volunteer battalions laid a foundation of independent Ukraine ideology. 22 998 16 Society

Three years into war, Ukraine finally bans Russian books with anti-Ukrainian content, - MP Siumar Restricting access for anti-Ukrainian foreign books is supported by domestic publishers. 5 436 52 Ukrainian Politics

крым Ukrainian detained in Crimea on "banned" books possession charges At Dzhankoi checkpoint in occupied Crimea, Russian border guards detained a 34-year-old Ukrainian citizen carrying allegedly extremist books. 22 370 73 Previously in trend: Occupied territories - Crimea and Donbas

книга киборги комиксы Comic book about Donetsk airport "cyborgs" presented in Lviv. PHOTOS The first comic book about the defenders of Donetsk airport titled "Cyborgs: the story of three" has been presented in Lviv. 32 864 26 Previously in trend: Russian aggression against Ukraine

"We need to figure out what else has been stolen," - Hroisman instructs to check out libraries’ collections Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Hroisman instructed Vice-Prime Minister Pavlo Rozenko and Minister of Culture Yevhen Nyshchuk to work out mechanism to take the inventory of libraries’ collections of rare and early printed books. 3 158 30 Ukrainian Politics

Ukraine’s first printed book disappeared from Vernadskyi National Library, - Library Director Ukraine’s first printed book the Apostle by Ivan Fiodorov published in 1574 disappeared from the department of rare and early printed books of Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine May 10. 28 689 103 Incidents

савченко книга savchenko book Nadiya Savchenko’s book "Powerful name Nadiya" to be presented in a week. Lawyer shows proof copy. PHOTO Lawyer of the Ukrainian pilot and member of parliament Nadiya Savchenko Ilya Novikov said that an advance copy of the book "Powerful name Nadiya" that she had written in the Russian prison has come out. 10 365 44 Incidents

Unlawfully convicted by Russia Ukrainian filmmaker Sentsov’s first story book published The first story book by Ukrainian filmmaker Oleh Sentsov, sentenced to 20 years in prison by a Russian court yesterday, Aug. 25, has come out. 7 717 68 Incidents

Massive Searches Announced in Crimea: Looking for "Subversive" Books to Destroy Them All peninsula schools will be ransacked for the extremist literature. 21 869 120 Previously in trend: Occupation of Crimea

Advent Presentation - Oleksandr Turchynov Signing for His New Book. PHOTO + VIDEO Advent Presentation - Oleksandr Turchynov Signing for His New Book. PHOTO + VIDEO Well-known political and public figure Oleksandr Turchynov held a presentation of his new novel The Advent. 4 201 61 Society

The Black Book About Tymoshenko was Written by Former Stasi Informant The Black Book About Tymoshenko was Written by Former Stasi Informant Author of a book about the leader of the Ukrainian opposition “Swindler. Tymoshenko Case” German writer Frank Schumann was a Stasi informant. 13 218 139 Ukrainian Politics