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Recruiting for Ukraine's defense has intensified, with new centers opening across the country from Lutsk to Lviv. Recent reports indicate significant engagement, with thousands applying to join, demonstrating strong support for national defense initiatives. Notably, innovative projects like the Reserve+ system and ‘Diia’ portal enhance digital recruitment, allowing easier access for volunteers and modernizing the enlistment process. As Ukraine leverages both domestic and international support, the role of these recruitment centers becomes increasingly vital in strengthening military capabilities and enabling swift, efficient volunteer mobilization.
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Photo news recruiting

Contract 18-24 for 1 year: The Ministry of Defence launches a new format of voluntary service Project "Contract 18-24" for UAH 1 million and year of service: Ministry of Defence invites volunteer fighters to join AFU. INFOGRAPHICS On 11 February, the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine officially launched the Contract 18-24 project, a voluntary initiative for Ukrainians aged 18-24 who are ready to join the Defence Forces for one year. Among the bonuses for young people is the right to travel abroad after a year of service. 9 547 156

Second group of volunteer fighters from the Ukrainian Legion signs contracts with the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Poland Second group of volunteer fighters from Ukrainian Legion signs contracts with AFU in Poland. PHOTO A second group of volunteer fighters from among Ukrainian citizens living abroad signed contracts with the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 7 073 7

Ukrainian Army recruitment center opened in Kovel Second recruitment center of Ukrainian army in Volyn region opened in Kovel - MoD. PHOTO A recruitment centre for the Ukrainian army was opened in Kovel, Volyn region, which became the second such centre in Volyn and the 45th in Ukraine. 803 2

добровольці, легіон, зсу First group of volunteers of Ukrainian Legion in Poland took military oath - Ministry of Defense. PHOTOS On Saturday, 16 November, the first group of volunteers of the Ukrainian Legion took the oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people at a training centre of the Polish Armed Forces. 11 762 23

У Польщі підписали контракт з ЗСУ перші добровольці Українського легіону First group of Ukrainian Legion volunteers signs contracts with Armed Forces of Ukraine. PHOTO On 12 November, the first group of volunteers from the Ukrainian Legion signed contracts with the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 8 057 4

набір добровольців в Український легіон Ukrainian Legion starts recruiting volunteer fighters abroad - Ministry of Defense. PHOTO The Ukrainian Legion initiative, which aims to attract Ukrainians abroad to join the Ukrainian Defence Forces, has officially started recruiting new recruits. 7 794 44 Previously in trend: mobilization

центр рекрутингу 40th recruitment center of Ukrainian army opened in Ternopil. PHOTOS A new recruitment centre for the Ukrainian army was opened in Ternopil. This is the 40th recruitment centre in the country. 2 602 12

Центр рекрутингу української армії в Києві Second recruitment center of Ukrainian army is opened in Kyiv. PHOTOS The second recruitment centre of the Ukrainian army was opened in the capital, bringing the total number of centres in Ukraine to 39. 1 867 5

Центр рекрутингу української армії у Черкасах 6.5 thousand volunteer fighters are recruited every month across country, - Defense Ministry. PHOTO On average, more than 6,000 people are recruited into the army every month in Ukraine. 6 362 38

У Конотопі відкрився центр рекрутингу української армії Fourth Ukrainian Army recruitment centre in Sumy region was opened in Konotop. PHOTO Konotop is the fourth centre in the Sumy region to be opened in cooperation with the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine. 1 075 7

В Умані відкрився центр рекрутингу української армії First in Cherkasy region and 34th in Ukraine recruitment centre of Ukrainian army was opened in Uman. PHOTO A recruitment centre for the Ukrainian army has been opened in Uman, the first in the Cherkasy region. This is the 34th centre in Ukraine. 1 213 10

Центр рекрутингу у Львові Second recruitment center of Ukrainian army is opened in Lviv. PHOTOS On 8 August, the second recruitment centre of the Ukrainian army was opened in the Sykhivskyi district of Lviv. 2 406 11

У Сумах відкрили центр рекрутингу української армії Ukrainian Army recruiting centre opened in Sumy. PHOTO On Thursday, 25 July, the second recruitment centre for the Ukrainian army in the region was opened in Sumy at the ASC. 2 341 8

рекрутинг 28th recruitment center of Ukrainian army opened in Khmelnytskyi. PHOTO On 17 July, a recruitment centre for the Ukrainian army was opened in Khmelnytskyi. It became the twenty-eighth in Ukraine. 2 901 17

У Житомирі відкрили центр рекрутингу Recruitment centre has started working in Zhytomyr. PHOTOS A military recruitment centre has started working in Zhytomyr. 2 382 7

Центр рекрутингу в Івано-Франківську Recruitment center for AFU is opened in Ivano-Frankivsk. This is 24th in Ukraine. PHOTOS The first recruitment centre of the Ukrainian army in the region was opened in Ivano-Frankivsk on the basis of the Administrative Services Centre. 2 030 10

Інформаційний пункт рекрутингу відкрився на вокзалі у Львові Information point for recruitment to Armed Forces of Ukraine was opened at railway station in Lviv. PHOTOS On Wednesday, 22 May, an information point for recruitment to the Defence Forces was opened at the Lviv railway station. 2 158 8 Society

центр,львів,рекрутингу Ukraine’s first recruitment centre for Armed Forces opened in Lviv - Ministry of Defence. PHOTOS On Monday, 12 February, the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, together with the Lviv City Council, launched a pilot recruitment project for the Ukrainian army in Lviv. This is the first such centre in Ukraine. 6 729 69 Previously in trend: War