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Stay informed with the latest developments in Mariupol, a key city in the Donetska region of Ukraine, affected significantly by ongoing conflicts and strategic military movements. Reports cover intense situations like the restructuring of Russian military bases, the tragic environmental impact following oil spills and continued military engagements.
Renowned for its contentious position, Mariupol's current state reflects broader geopolitical tensions impacting local and national stability. Articles highlight efforts in handling humanitarian needs amid the conflict and adapting to the harsh realities of occupation. Read testimonials from residents, analysis on military actions, and explore comprehensive photo reports capturing the enduring spirit of Mariupol's populace. Significant events include shelling incidents, relocations, and the altering landscape of this war-torn city. Dive deeper into how these dynamics shape the ongoing Ukrainian resistance and global responses.
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News Mariupol, Mariupolskyy district, Donetska region

Mariupol Russians killed about 20 thousand people in Mariupol, - Zelenskyy President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that it was impossible to determine the real number of people killed in Mariupol. According to available information, Russian occupation forces killed about 20 thousand people in the city. 6 060 148

Fuel oil from Russian tankers reaches shores of Azov Sea Fuel oil from Russian tankers reaches shores of Azov Sea. PHOTOS In the Sea of Azov, following the accident of Russian tankers in the Kerch Strait, a concentrated oil slick of 300 square kilometres was recorded, stretching for almost 100 kilometres along the Gulf of Bilosaray. 4 501 14

Explosions were heard in Mariupol on night of 8 January Explosions were heard in occupied Mariupol at night Explosions were heard in the temporarily occupied Mariupol at night. 1 079 1 Previously in trend: War

Enemy redeploys trained assault units to Pokrovsk direction Andriushchenko: RF redeploys assault units from training bases to intensify offensive on Pokrovsk The enemy has begun to redeploy assault units trained in the Mariupol and Berdiansk agglomerations to strengthen the offensive on Pokrovsk. 1 291 8

Secondary school students from Mariupol taken to Russia for "re-education" 119 secondary school students from Mariupol sent by occupiers to St. Petersburg for "re-education" - NRC Russian occupation forces have organized another departure of Ukrainian secondary school students from the temporarily occupied Mariupol to Russia. 2 374 10 Previously in trend: War

Residents of Zdolbuniv meet Azov soldier Niverchuk Residents of Zdolbuniv meet their fellow countryman and "Azovstal" defender Artur Niverchuk, who spent 884 days in captivity. VIDEO Residents of Zdolbuniv, Rivne Oblast, greeted their fellow countryman and "Azovstal" defender Artur Niverchuk, who returned from Russian captivity, with honours. 10 791 13 Previously in trend: War

Explosions in Mariupol Explosions rang out in Mariupol On the morning of 23 December 2024, explosions were heard in the temporarily occupied Mariupol, Donetsk region. 2 675 4

Russia sentences nine Mariupol defenders to life in prison Russians sentence nine Mariupol defenders to long prison terms In the temporarily occupied Donetsk, the Russian occupiers convicted nine Ukrainian defenders of Mariupol who distinguished themselves during the defense of the city in March 2022. 1 910 12 Previously in trend: War

Best artillerymen from Mariupol received awards Artillerymen of 56th Mariupol Brigade received awards for bravery and mastery. PHOTOS Artillerymen from the Mariupol Brigade received state awards for their professionalism and dedication. 993 2 Previously in trend: War

Маріупольський порт Another sea bulker loaded with coal entered port of Mariupol - Andriushchenko. PHOTO Another bulk carrier loaded with Ukrainian coal by the occupiers was spotted in the port of Mariupol. 2 462 9

Росіяни перекидають резерви через Маріуполь у напрямку Розівка - Пологи Enemy resumes transferring reserves through occupied Mariupol in direction of Polohy. PHOTO Russians resumed deploying their reserves through temporarily occupied Mariupol in the direction of Rozivka - Polohy in the Zaporizhzhia region. 1 735 6 Previously in trend: War

У Маріуполі зафіксували переміщення військової техніки РФ у бік Бердянська і Волновахи Movement of enemy equipment towards Berdiansk and Volnovakha spotted in occupied Mariupol. VIDEO&PHOTOS In the temporarily occupied Mariupol, a significant movement of Russian military equipment towards Berdiansk and Volnovakha was recorded. 7 774 3

Комбінат Азовсталь зйомка жовтень 20024 року Russian films destroyed and robbed "Azovstal": "Footage for horror or apocalypse movie". VIDEO A video was posted online showing the occupier filming the destroyed and robbed Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol. 11 461 28 Previously in trend: War

У Маріуполі зафіксували велике перекидання військ РФ Large redeployment of Russian troops to front was spotted in Mariupol: columns were moving to Vremivsk direction. VIDEO On 13 October, a large redeployment of Russian invaders' manpower took place in the temporarily occupied Mariupol. Enemy trucks were moving in two columns in the direction of Vremivsk. 8 269 11 Previously in trend: War

Маріуполь Russia is increasing military transportation through Mariupol port - city council In the Russian-occupied Mariupol, the enemy is increasing the use of the port to increase the number of its shipments, including military cargo. 2 466 17

Росіяни вивезли через окупований Маріуполь понад 180 тис. тонн українського зерна Ruscists have exported over 180 thousand tons of Ukrainian grain through Mariupol port this year - Shmyhal This year, Russian invaders have exported more than 180,000 tonnes of Ukrainian grain through the port of Mariupol. 423 6 Previously in trend: War

У Росії засудили до 8 років українку Навальну In Russia, Ukrainian Navalna was sentenced to 8 years in prison for allegedly preparing terrorist attack in occupied Mariupol The Southern District Military Court in Rostov sentenced Ukrainian citizen Iryna Navalna to 8 years in prison. The ruscists accuse her of allegedly preparing a terrorist attack in occupied Mariupol. 3 591 9

У Маріуполі біля Азовсталі виникла сильна пожежа Large-scale fire broke out near "Azovstal" in occupied Mariupol. PHOTO On 29 September, a massive fire broke out near "Azovstal" in temporarily occupied Mariupol. 4 391 0

Росія перекидає резерви Russian Federation is redeploying about five thousand Russians in direction of Vuhledar - Andriushchenko. PHOTOS Occupants In the direction of Vuhledar, Donetsk region, Russians continue to redeploy reserves, at least 13 trucks have been spotted. 4 850 10

У тимчасово окупованому Маріуполі пролунали вибухи Explosions occurred in occupied Mariupol: Air defense of ruscists is working. PHOTO Explosions were heard in the temporarily occupied Mariupol. 2 264 0 Previously in trend: War

Окупанти посилили "перевірки" в Маріуполі Ruscists intensify "security measures" in occupied Mariupol, demand to show Russian passports. VIDEO Russian occupiers have stepped up "security measures" after recent attacks on the Mariupol region. 3 002 3 Previously in trend: War

Вибухи в Маріуполі Explosions heard in occupied Mariupol, - Andriushchenko On the afternoon of 24 September 2024, explosions were heard in the temporarily occupied Mariupol. 1 054 3 Previously in trend: War

В окупованому Маріуполі горів найбільший в місті парк Largest park in occupied Mariupol caught fire. VIDEO&PHOTOS In the temporarily occupied Mariupol, a large-scale fire broke out in the city's largest park. 6 292 9 Previously in trend: War

В окупованому Маріуполі розмістили біженців з Суджі First refugees from Sudzha were accommodated in occupied Mariupol - Andriushchenko. PHOTOS The first Russian refugees from Sudzha, Kursk region, were accommodated in the temporarily occupied Mariupol. 5 695 29 Previously in trend: Occupied territories - Crimea and Donbas

знімок AFU strike on Russian warehouses near occupied Mariupol: photos of aftermath have been released. VIDEO Satellite images have been posted online showing the aftermath of fires at Russian ammunition depots near occupied Mariupol after AFU strikes. 15 815 22

знищено склади ворога біля Маріуполя Ukrainian Navy confirms strike on enemy depots near Mariupol: infrastructure and tons of ammunition are destroyed Recently, units of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched a missile attack on important ammunition depots discovered by intelligence near the temporarily occupied Mariupol. 4 275 5

Маріуполь Intensification of movement of enemy equipment to Vuhledar direction has been recorded - Andrikushchenko. VIDEO+PHOTOS In Mariupol and the surrounding settlements, the movement of Russian reserves towards Vuhledar has been rapidly intensified. A convoy of tracked military vehicles was spotted bypassing Mariupol to the north. 2 230 2

У Маріуполі уражено склад БК російських окупантів 13 вересня At night, explosions rang out in occupied Mariupol: hit on Russian ammunition depot was confirmed. VIDEO+PHOTOS On the night of 13 September, explosions and detonations were reported in the occupied Mariupol at Russian ammunition depots. 7 213 3 Previously in trend: War

Біля Маріуполя уражено базування російських окупантів Ruscists’ base was destroyed near occupied Mariupol: at least 14 invaders were eliminated The day before, on 25 August, a Russian military base was hit in the village of Babakh-Tarama in the temporarily occupied Mariupol district. Currently, 6 Russian officers have been confirmed dead. 2 919 5 Previously in trend: War

Маріуполь At least 7 explosions occurred in occupied Mariupol: occupants’ air defence system was preliminarily damaged. PHOTO On the afternoon of 23 July, explosions were heard in occupied Mariupol. 4 035 2

Вибух пролунав в окупованому Маріуполі Explosion rang out in occupied Mariupol: Internet and mobile communication disappeared An explosion rang out in temporarily occupied Mariupol. 2 876 4 Previously in trend: War

Росіяни перекидають техніку через Маріуполь, накриваючи її тентами Ruscists throw equipment across occupied Mariupol, covering it with canvas tarps, - Andriushchenko. PHOTO Russian invaders are transporting military supplies, including equipment, through occupied Mariupol. 6 412 3 Previously in trend: War

Окупанти запустили залізницю з Ростова до Маріуполя Russians launched railway from Rostov-on-Don to Mariupol - Andriushchenko The Russians launched a completed railway from Russian Rostov-on-Don to the temporarily occupied Mariupol via Granitne/Malovodne. 10 924 80

Росіяни облаштували склад БК посеред житлового кварталу в окупованому Маріуполі Russians set up ammunition load depot in middle of residential quarter of Mariupol - Andriushchenko. PHOTOS The Russian invaders in the occupied Mariupol have set up an ammunition depot in the middle of a residential quarter. 2 104 14 Previously in trend: War

У Маріуполі росіяни встановили пам'ятник вбивці місцевих жителів Едуарду Дьяконову In Mariupol, occupiers erected monument to Russian soldier who killed civilians. PHOTO In the temporarily occupied Mariupol, Russian invaders erected a monument to Eduard Dyakonov, a murderer of local residents who took part in the occupation of the city. 9 942 24

Вибухи у Маріуполі Powerful explosions occurred in occupied Mariupol: there is partial blackout in city. PHOTO On the night of 16 July, at least five explosions occurred in occupied Mariupol, after which electricity was cut off in some parts of the city. 5 033 6

Вибухи у Маріуполі 12 липня Explosions rang out in occupied Mariupol: "arrival" near airport - Andriushchenko. PHOTO On the afternoon of 12 July, explosions were heard in the temporarily occupied Mariupol. 3 612 12 Previously in trend: War

Росіяни в окупованому Маріуполі повністю знесли дитячий табір Ruscists completely dismantled camp in occupied Mariupol, destroyed all the trees. VIDEO In the temporarily occupied Mariupol, Russian invaders have completely dismantled a children's camp on the city's Left Bank. 7 331 7 Previously in trend: War

Ще один танкер РФ помітили в порту Маріуполя 25 червня Another Russian tanker was spotted in port of occupied Mariupol. Presumably, it stores fuel for needs of invaders - Andriushchenko. PHOTO Another Russian tanker has been spotted in captured Mariupol. It is the fourth to enter the local port in recent days. 2 129 12

Танкер РФ у порту Маріуполя Another tanker of Russian Federation was spotted in port of Mariupol - Andriushchenko. PHOTO Another Russian tanker was spotted at the entrance to the port of Mariupol. 4 350 14

Вибухи пролунали в окупованому Маріуполі Explosions rang out in occupied Mariupol: air defense of ruscists is working. VIDEO+PHOTOS Explosions were heard in the temporarily occupied Mariupol. 6 349 3 Previously in trend: War

Окупанти проводять фільтрацію в Маріуполі  Residents of Mariupol are under total pressure from occupiers, almost 99% of city’s population has passed filter - Andriushchenko The Russians are actively preparing for mobilization in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. Almost 99% of the residents of captured Mariupol passed the filtration. 2 059 8

маріуполь In Mariupol, occupiers are building real estate for residents of Belgorod region on site of children’s camp - Andriushchenko In the temporarily occupied Mariupol, Russian invaders are building a camp for the population of the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation fleeing the war. 2 754 21 Previously in trend: War

Логістична база росіян в окупованому Маріуполі Russians set up logistics base near residential building in occupied Mariupol - Andriushchenko. PHOTO In the temporarily occupied Mariupol, the Russian invaders built their logistics base near civilian residential buildings. 2 511 8

маріуполь Russia used tactics of deliberate starvation during siege of Mariupol - Guardian During the 85-day siege of Mariupol, Russia used tactics of deliberate starvation that amount to war crimes, resulting in the deaths of around 22,000 civilians. 6 258 23 Previously in trend: Russian aggression against Ukraine

Росіяни через Маріуполь перекидають техніку на Запоріжжя Russians are transferring equipment through Mariupol towards Zaporizhzhia, - Andriushchenko Russian invaders in the occupied Mariupol transfer equipment in the direction of Zaporizhzhia. 2 581 6 Previously in trend: War

пляж In Mariupol, occupiers closed all beaches and banned bathing season, - Andriushchenko In the temporarily occupied Mariupol, the Russian invaders closed all the beaches. 2 229 18 War in Ukraine

Оборона Азовсталі у Маріуполі More than 1,900 soldiers from "Azovstal" are still in Russian captivity Today, May 20, is the second anniversary of Mariupol defenders leaving Azovstal. However, more than 1,900 of them are still in Russian captivity. 3 373 30 Previously in trend: War