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Bribery remains a critical issue in Ukraine, as law enforcement agencies regularly uncover various corruption schemes implicating high-ranking officials and public servants. Recent exposés reveal bribery in legal, military, and medical sectors where officials often demand significant sums for favoritism or to evade military service. Notable cases include a Lviv Court chairman caught demanding a $1 million bribe and another significant arrest involving a Deputy Energy Minister for a $500,000 bribe relating to mining equipment exports. These incidents underscore ongoing efforts by entities such as NABU, SAPO, and the SSU to clamp down on corruption, aiming to reinforce legal integrity and trust in public institutions amidst challenging times.
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News bribe

Officials detained for organising bribery scheme for issuing hunting licences UAH 1 million for 500 exams: officials who organised large-scale bribery scheme for issuing hunting licences detained - SBI. VIDEO+PHOTOS Employees of the State Bureau of Investigation detained three officials of the Southern Interregional Forestry and Hunting Department who organised a corrupt scheme of extortion for issuing hunting licences. 6 430 22

Odesa TCR employee removed men from wanted list for money He removed from the wanted list for $500-1000: employee of TCR was detained in Odesa for bribery. PHOTOS A 29-year-old employee of the RTCR and SS in Odesa was detained for taking a bribe. In return for money, he removed men from the wanted list. 3 180 24 Previously in trend: Grafters

Sumy region: Law enforcers detain TCR employee on receiving bribe Police detain TCR employee in Sumy region on receiving $3000 bribe for evading mobilization. PHOTO Law enforcement officers detained an employee of a territorial recruitment and social support centre in Sumy region who organised a bribery scheme to facilitate the evasion of men liable for military service from mobilization. 3 349 17

Unit commander demanded 30 per cent of payments from soldiers Commander of military unit in Odesa extorted 30% of salary from subordinates: he was detained - National Police. PHOTOS In Odesa, the police and the SSU exposed the commander of a military unit for bribery. He had been collecting extortion from the military for 7 months. The 31-year-old bribe-taker was detained red-handed. 5 077 28 Previously in trend: Grafters

Bribe-takers from KCSA 40 thousand UAH weekly for right to work on route: KSCA official who organised scheme of extortion from Kyiv road carriers will be tried. PHOTO SBI officers completed an investigation into the deputy director of a Kyiv City State Administration department and a private entrepreneur-intermediary who extorted bribes from Kyiv road carriers. 8 324 11 Previously in trend: Grafters

Border guard helped people liable for military service to go to Hungary for $6,000 "Helped" men to go to Hungary for $6 thousand: border guard exposed in Zakarpattia region. PHOTOS In Zakarpattia, a border guard was exposed for helping to smuggle men of military age across the border to Hungary for a bribe. 2 473 11 Previously in trend: Grafters

Man tries to bribe border guard in Lviv region Man offers €500 bribe to border guard to travel abroad in Lviv region - SBGS. VIDEO+PHOTOS At the "Shehyni" checkpoint in Lviv region, servicemen of the 7th Carpathian Border Guard Detachment recorded another attempt to bribe an official. 4 455 31 Previously in trend: War

One of leaders of well-known party detained in Kyiv Head of regional branches of well-known party detained in Kyiv: promised to resolve land issue in Kyiv City State Administration for $1million - SSU. VIDEO&PHOTOS The Security Service eliminated a large-scale criminal scheme in the Kyiv City State Administration. As a result of complex measures, the SSU detained red-handed the head of one of the regional branches of a well-known party, who demanded a USD 1 million bribe from a private entrepreneur. 8 705 43

SSU prevents murder of witness Case on attempted bribery of SSU colonel with $1 million: SSU prevents murder of witness. PHOTO The Security Service of Ukraine prevented the contract killing of a key witness in the case of bribery of an officer of the SSU Main Investigation Department. 5 385 4

Corruption in the Commercial Court of Lviv Region: former and current chairman detained NABU: Current and former chairman of Lviv Commercial Court demanded $1 million bribe The NABU and SAPO exposed the current and former chairmen of the Commercial  Court of Lviv region who demanded a bribe of USD 1 million from a representative of a private company. 5 091 20 Previously in trend: Fighting corruption in Ukraine Grafters

Detention of the former deputy head of the Supreme Economic Court "Desired" decisions for bribes: ex-deputy head of Supreme Economic Court Emelianov detained – SBI. PHOTO SBI officers detained a former deputy chairman of the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine, who, together with other judges, built a "business" on court decisions. He was served a notice of suspicion. 17 660 33 Previously in trend: Grafters

sentence to a bribe-taker from the SSU SSU officer caught taking $60k bribe to spend 10 years in prison - SAPO On November 27, 2024, the HACCU announced a verdict in which an operative of the SSU Department of Counterintelligence Protection of the State's Interests in the Field of Information Security was found guilty of extortion and receipt of USD 60 thousand dollars. 20 339 13 Previously in trend: Grafters

хабар, викриття Cost of "service" is $3,000: in Zaporizhzhia, employees of MSEC and private clinic who issued "disability" to men were exposed. PHOTOS In Zaporizhzhia, law enforcement officers exposed employees of a private clinic and a medical and social commission who were issuing fake disabilities to men of military age for money. The cost of the "service" was three thousand dollars. 1 979 7

На Волині викрито начальника РТЦК та СП, який за хабарі оновлював дані військовозобов’язаним чоловікам Head of RTCR and SS detained in Volyn, who made conscripts unfit for "Oberig" for $3000. PHOTOS Law enforcement officers exposed an official of a district military commissariat in Volyn on receiving a $3,000 bribe. The head of the supply department demanded this amount from men of military age for assistance in evading mobilisation. 6 056 22

СБУ та Нацполіція ліквідували нові «схеми для ухилянтів» $10 thousand for fictitious medical report: SSU exposes MSEC officials, MMC doctors on bribe. PHOTOS The Security Service of Ukraine and investigators of the National Police have eliminated new schemes of mobilization evasion that operated in Kropyvnytskyi, Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv regions. 4 171 2

На Кіровоградщині викрито на хабарі керівницю МСЕК Head of one of district MSECs in Kirovohrad region exposed for receiving USD 2,000 bribe. PHOTO According to Censor.NET, this was reported by the Office of the Prosecutor General. 24 477 43

Прикордонники припинили 1253 спроби надання хабаря Border guards were bribed more than 1250 times for total of almost UAH 15 million during martial law - State Border Guard Service Since the beginning of martial law in Ukraine, border guards have stopped 1253 attempts to provide illegal benefits worth almost UAH 15 million. 676 15

Затримано посадовицю Центральної МСЕК Official of Central MSEC was detained while receiving a $2,000 bribe - Prosecutor General’s Office. PHOTO The deputy chief physician promised to assist a serviceman in obtaining a group II disability in return for $2,000. She was detained while receiving the bribe. 9 197 39

Викрито лікарку та військовослужбовця, які вимагали з ветерана бойових дій 5 тис. доларів They extorted $5000 from combat veteran for establishing his disability at MSEC: Doctor and serviceman exposed in Kyiv. VIDEO&PHOTOS A doctor of a Kyiv medical institution, together with her accomplice, a serviceman, extorted illegal benefits from a veteran combatant who was enrolled in the reserve due to injuries at the front, including in Bakhmut. 18 364 18

Працівників Голосіївського РТЦК, які допомагали ухилянтам, заарештували Case of Holosiivskyi DTCR: Various measures of restraint imposed on six defendants - SBI Three employees of the Holosiivskyi District TCR and SS and three civilians who helped conscripts evade military service have been arrested. Pre-trial restraints have been imposed on them. 2 878 7

У Львові затримали співробітника ТЦК за спробу "відкупити" колегу In Lviv, employee of TCRSS was detained for trying to "buy off" colleague who was caught drunk at post during inspection - Prosecutor’s office. PHOTO Under the procedural supervision of the Lviv Specialised Defence Prosecutor's Office of the Western Region, a 44-year-old official of the district territorial center for recruitment and social support was served a notice of suspicion of providing an unlawful benefit, for committing any action in the interests of a third party by an official using his/her power or position, by prior conspiracy of a group of persons (Part 3 Art. 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). 6 413 29

ТЦК SSU detains in Kyiv assistant head of Podilskyi TCR who offered bribe to defer mobilization Employees of the SSU Military CI Department detained the assistant head of the Podilskyi District Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support in Kyiv, who offered assistance with an illegal deferral from mobilization for a monetary reward. 2 497 9

На Тернопільщині ДБР затримала начальника районного ТЦК Fuel vouchers in exchange for deferral from mobilization: SBI exposes head of Ternopil RTCR on bribery. PHOTOS Law enforcement officers exposed and served a notice of suspicion to the head of the Ternopil District Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support. The military commissar demanded one thousand litres of diesel fuel for postponing military service. 3 359 15

Корупціонери з Рівненщини For $15 thousand bribe, they promised to solve land issue: community head and deputy were exposed in Rivne region. PHOTO Under the procedural supervision of the Rivne Regional Prosecutor's Office, the head of the community of Varash district and a deputy of one of the city councils were served with a notice of suspicion. 1 308 5 Previously in trend: Grafters

Голова МСЕК на Київщині допомагав ухилянтам Head of Interdistrict MSEC in Kyiv region, who assisted evaders in obtaining disability group, will be brought to trial. PHOTOS The head of the interregional medical and social expert commission in Kyiv region assisted citizens in evading military service during mobilisation. 4 740 26

лікарка з Житомира допомогала ухилянам UAH 4.4 million was found in possession of Zhytomyr doctor who helped evaders with fake diagnoses - National Police. PHOTO Law enforcement officers searched the house of a doctor at one of diagnostic centres in Zhytomyr, who is suspected of involvement in a scheme to evade mobilisation of persons liable for military service. During the search, UAH 4.4 million was found and seized from her. 14 176 72

хабар, Харків Woman is detained in Kharkiv who helped men apply for fake disability for $29,000 - prosecutor’s office. PHOTOS In Kharkiv, a woman helped men obtain fake disability certificates to avoid military service for $29,000. She was detained and taken into custody. 8 263 22

нацполіція Head of TCR in Vinnytsia region smuggled conscripts to Moldova for 12 thousand euros - National Police. PHOTO The head of one of the territorial service centres in Vinnytsia region set up a scheme to smuggle men liable for military service across the state border outside the official checkpoint. 8 982 24

Командира батальйону та солдата затримали на хабарі на Закарпатті They demanded $1.3 thousand for service in rear: Battalion commander and his accomplice are detained in Zakarpattia region. PHOTOS The battalion commander and a soldier of one of the military units extorted money from the soldiers for their service in the rear. 4 292 20 Previously in trend: Grafters

Заступниця прокурора Запорізької області затримана на хабарі Deputy Prosecutor of Zaporizhzhia region is detained for bribe of USD 40 thousand - NABU. PHOTO The NABU and SAPO exposed a deputy prosecutor of the Zaporizhzhia region for taking a bribe. 12 571 45 Previously in trend: Fighting corruption in Ukraine Grafters

Проректора київського університету затримано на хабарі 2 тис. доларів за вступ військовозобов’язаного на аспірантуру 2 thousand for admission to postgraduate studies: Vice-rector of capital’s university is detained. PHOTO A university vice-rector was detained in Kyiv for offering to help a person liable for military service to enter a postgraduate study for $2,000. 4 687 17 Previously in trend: Grafters

лікарі допомагали ухилянтам на Полтавщині In Poltava region, SSU uncovered head of MSEC and officials of district hospital who made money on mobilization evasion scheme. PHOTO The SSU uncovered in Poltava region the head of the regional medical and social expert commission, officials of the Poltava district hospital and their accomplice who helped conscripts evade mobilisation. 2 684 9 Previously in trend: Grafters

лікар ВЛК затриманий на хабарі на Дніпропетровщині MMC doctor in Dnipropetrovsk region demanded UAH 20 thousand bribe for changing fitness for service category - prosecutor’s office. PHOTO In Dnipro region, a doctor of the military medical examination board was detained for demanding a bribe from a serviceman for changing the fitness for service category. 5 901 12 Previously in trend: Grafters

хабарники з тцк івано-франківськ Deputy Head of Ivano-Frankivsk TCR and Head of District Military Commissariat are exposed for bribery - Strategic Investigations Department of National Police. PHOTOS Operatives of the Strategic Investigations Department in the Ivano-Frankivsk region and investigators of the Regional Police Investigation Department simultaneously detained three officials of territorial centers for recruitment and social support involved in corruption schemes. 46 885 35 Previously in trend: Grafters

хабар у ТЦК на Рівненщині Prosecutor’s Office: TCR servicewoman in Rivne region helped to avoid mobilization for $13,000. PHOTO In Rivne region, law enforcement officers detained a servicewoman of the district TCR who promised to help avoid mobilisation in return for a bribe. 12 018 48 Previously in trend: mobilization

хабарники з Міноборони Defense Ministry officials who demanded bribes for social benefits for wounded servicemen were detained - SSU. PHOTOS The Security Service and the National Police, in cooperation with the Internal Security Department of the Ministry of Defence and the leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, eliminated a corruption scheme in the calculation of social benefits for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 22 352 38 Previously in trend: Grafters

заступник начальника Бучанського ТЦК затриманий на хвбврі Deputy head of Bucha TCR exposed for UAH 100,000 bribe - prosecutor’s office. PHOTO Law enforcers detained the deputy head of the Bucha TCR and SS in Kyiv region on bribery. 16 433 35 Previously in trend: Grafters

сбу SSU: Head of medical commission in Poltava provided fictitious disability for bribes for deferment from mobilization. PHOTO The SSU eliminated a corruption scheme organised by the head of the inter-district medical and social expert commission in Bakhmut. The official acted in collusion with her accomplices - doctors from medical institutions of several regions. After the start of the full-scale invasion, the medical commission was "evacuated" in its entirety to Poltava. 6 636 19 Previously in trend: Grafters

Начальників ТЦК Бориспільського та Бучанського районів затримано на хабарі Heads of Boryspil and Bucha TCRs are arrested without bail - media According to a court decision, the heads of the Boryspil and Bucha TCRs were arrested without bail. 5 042 28 Previously in trend: Grafters

Начальників ТЦК Бориспільського та Бучанського районів затримано на хабарі They earned more than $1 million on "evaders": SSU detains heads of Boryspil and Bucha TCRs (updated). PHOTOS The heads of the TCRs of Bucha and Boryspil districts of Kyiv region were detained for bribery. 33 560 253 Previously in trend: Grafters

ДБР викрило посадовця кінологічного центру на хабарі For 21,000 euros, he promised to transport man abroad: SBI exposes official of canine center. PHOTO The State Bureau of Investigation, in cooperation with the Internal Security Department of the State Border Guard Service, exposed an official of the Dog Training Centre who wanted to set up a channel for smuggling men abroad. 1 701 2

хейло SSU publishes intercepted conversations in case of bribery of Deputy Energy Minister Heilo: "Half mil should be taken and that’s it". AUDIO The SSU has published intercepted conversations of the persons involved in the corruption scheme, in the organization of which Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine Oleksandr Heilo is suspected of organizing. 16 285 49 Previously in trend: Fighting corruption in Ukraine Grafters

Справа про хабар Хейла: ВАКС обрав запобіжний захід двом фігурантам Case of former Deputy Head of the Ministry of Energy Heilo: HACC imposes preventive measures on two more suspects On Tuesday, August 13, the High Anti-Corruption Court imposed pre-trial restraints on two more defendants in the case of a $500,000 bribe by former Deputy Energy Minister Oleksandr Heilo. 1 542 9 Previously in trend: Fighting corruption in Ukraine

хейло Anti-Corruption Court remanded Deputy Energy Minister Heilo, detained on bribery, in custody with possibility of UAH 25 million bail The High Anti-Corruption Court has remanded Deputy Energy Minister Oleksandr Heilo in custody until 8 October with the right to post bail. 3 602 28 Previously in trend: Fighting corruption in Ukraine

хабар In Zhytomyr region, doctor of MMC demanded $1500 from wounded soldier for confirmation of disability - National Police In Zhytomyr region, law enforcement officers detained a doctor of the MMC (Military Medical Commission) on bribery, who extorted money from a wounded soldier for assigning a disability group. 4 150 20 Previously in trend: Grafters

Міненерго відреагувало на затримання заступника міністра Хейла на хабарі Halushchenko’s deputy Heilo is detained on August 10, NABU and SAPO know "nothing" about "support" from Minister - journalist Nikolov Deputy Energy Minister Oleksandr Heilo was detained on a $500,000 bribe on Saturday, 10 August. 12 026 40 Previously in trend: Grafters

СБУ та НАБУ викрили на хабарі заступника глави Міненерго Олександра Хейло Deputy Energy Minister Helio was detained in Kyiv on $500,000 bribe - SSU and NABU. VIDEO&PHOTOS The NABU and SAPO, together with the SSU and the Kyiv Region Prosecutor's Office, exposed the current Deputy Minister of Energy and three of his accomplices on receiving an undue benefit for granting permission to export mining equipment from the frontline area. 20 741 105 Previously in trend: Fighting corruption in Ukraine

Затримали співробітницю Мін’юсту та її спільника за махінації Employee of Ministry of Justice and her accomplice are exposed for machinations with complaints consideration by Office of Countering Raiding The chief specialist of one of the departments of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and her accomplice have been served a notice of suspicion on the fact of fraud committed on a particularly large scale. 1 929 1