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Ukraine's aspirations for EU membership have seen significant progress in 2025, marked by crucial negotiations and international support amidst ongoing geopolitical tensions. As Ukraine engages in comprehensive reforms and strategic negotiations, key EU member states express diverging views that influence the pace and direction of accession talks. The commitment from the EU to have all negotiation clusters open with Ukraine highlights a structured and hopeful path forward, yet challenges persist due to political complexities, particularly concerning historical issues with Poland. This vital phase in Ukraine's EU integration unfolds against the backdrop of heightened global diplomatic activity and the strategic geopolitical positioning of nations, reflecting a complex but optimistic journey towards European integration.
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News EU membership

Заступник керівника Офісу президента Ігор Жовква PO: We hope for constructive position of Hungary on Ukraine’s accession to EU Kyiv hopes for "certain constructive positions" of Hungary on the issue of Ukraine's accession to the European Union. 599 8

Заступник керівника Офісу Президента Ігор Жовква Negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to EU will be held on cluster model - PO Negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the European Union will be based on a cluster model. 1 621 10

Відома дата початку переговорів про вступ України в ЄС  EU Council approves launch of accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova on 25 June EU ambassadors have confirmed their readiness to start membership talks with Ukraine and Moldova. The talks are due to start on Tuesday, 25 June. 3 139 23

Україна та ЄС EU ambassadors agree on framework for negotiations on Ukraine’s and Moldova’s accession to EU On June 25, the first intergovernmental conference is expected to take place, which will officially launch negotiations on Ukraine and Moldova's accession to the EU. 4 397 13

Україна готує дорожню карту реформ на шляху до ЄС By end of year, Ukraine will prepare huge roadmap of strategic reforms within framework of EU accession, - Stefanishyna Ukraine will prepare a roadmap for strategic transformations within the framework of EU accession negotiations by the end of the year. 1 160 31

Обговорення початку переговорів про вступ в ЄС відклали EU postpones discussions on launching talks on Ukraine’s accession - Joswiak The EU ambassadors have postponed the discussion of approving the negotiation framework for Ukraine and Moldova's accession to the EU. 7 095 37

фон,дер,ляєн Ukraine has fulfilled all requirements. EU should start accession talks by end of June - von der Leyen The EU is due to start membership talks with Ukraine this month. 2 679 15

Канцлер Німеччини Олаф Шольц Ukraine’s future is in European Union. We will keep our promise - Scholz German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has said that Ukraine will definitely become an EU member. Europe will fulfil its promise to Kyiv a few months after Russia's full-scale invasion began. 3 693 19

Зеленський про членство в ЄС Ukraine has done everything to open negotiations on EU membership. All prerequisites have been fulfilled, - Zelenskyy President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine has fulfilled all the conditions for opening negotiations on EU membership. 2 504 57

Єврокомісія рекомендувала розпочати переговори про членство з Україною European Commission recommends starting negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to EU The European Commission has confirmed to EU ambassadors that Ukraine has fully implemented all four reform steps required to start formal accession negotiations with the EU. 2 946 13

Оцінка євроінтеграційних реформ України від Єврокомісії European Commission will propose to start negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to EU in June - Financial Times On Friday, June 7, the European Commission will provide a generally positive verbal assessment of Ukraine's implementation of recommendations - reforms necessary for EU membership. The EC will recommend starting negotiations on the country's accession to the European Union. 2 541 6

Президент Латвії Едгарс Рінкевичс President of Latvia Rinkēvičs: Ukraine’s victory in war is its membership in EU and NATO President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs believes that Ukraine's victory implies the country's membership in the European Union and NATO. 933 8

Переговори про вступ України в ЄС 12 EU countries called for early start of accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova Minister of European Affairs of the Czech government Martin Dvořák initiated a letter calling on the Belgian presidency of the Council of the European Union to facilitate progress in the EU accession negotiations between Ukraine and Moldova. 1 651 27 Ukrainian Politics

Німеччина закликала розпочати переговори з Україною про членство в ЄС Ukraine has fulfilled all conditions for start of negotiations on joining EU - Minister of European Affairs of Germany Luhrmann In Germany, they believe that Ukraine has fulfilled all the conditions to start negotiations on its accession to the European Union. 693 6 World

Стефанішина про переговори щодо членства в ЄС Only organizational issues remain, related to actual opening of negotiations on joining EU, - Stefanishyna Ukraine has fulfilled all the requirements and recommendations of the EU for the opening of membership negotiations. 1 323 14 Ukrainian Politics

Україна та ЄС Belgium has confirmed its intention to start negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to EU in June Belgium intends to hold an intergovernmental conference with Kyiv by the end of June regarding the start of negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the EU. 641 7 World

євросоюз Ukraine has already fulfilled first important condition for joining EU - Polish Minister Szlapka The vast majority of EU countries support Ukraine on its path to EU membership. 2 214 8 World

Дуда закликав пришвидшити вступ України до ЄС Ukraine’s accession to EU cannot be just promise and last forever - Duda Polish President Andrzej Duda has called for speeding up the process of Ukraine’s accession to the EU. 2 122 18 World

зеленський Other nations also deserve to be in EU. This applies to Georgia and Belarus - Zelenskyy President Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes that EU enlargement should not only involve Ukraine. 3 070 46 World

Матернова сказала, коли Україна може вступити до ЄС 2030 is realistic date for Ukraine’s accession to EU - EU Ambassador Mathernova EU Ambassador Katarina Mathernova believes that Ukraine could join the EU in 2030. 2 036 18 World

рінкевичс Latvia’s President Rinkēvičs: Ukraine’s EU accession negotiations to be extremely difficult According to Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs, the negotiation process on Ukraine and Moldova’s accession to the European Union will be extremely difficult. However, he believes that it is "quite possible" to start negotiations as early as June this year. 2 362 13 World

Верховний представник ЄС Жозеп Боррель Borrell: Ukraine has historic window of opportunity to link its future with EU Candidate countries, including Ukraine, currently have a historic window of opportunity to firmly link their future to the European Union. 1 217 8 World

мингарелли Ukraine can integrate into EU even before end of war, - former EU Ambassador Mingarelli Ukraine can gradually integrate into the European Union even before the fighting ends. 515 4 World

єс,євросоюз We call on EU to start accession talks with Ukraine - statement by the Baltic presidents Karis, Nausėda and Rinkēvičs In a joint statement on the 20th anniversary of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia’s membership in the EU, the presidents of the three Baltic states called for intergovernmental conferences with Ukraine and Moldova, and for accession talks to begin in June 2024. 1 041 4 World

зеленський EU membership is dream that will soon become reality for Ukraine - Zelenskyy President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is confident that Ukraine will soon become a member of the European Union. 3 519 70 Previously in trend: War

Президент Європейської ради Шарль Мішель Russia’s war in Ukraine has given EU impetus for further enlargement - Michel Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 has given a new impetus to the European Union’s desire to accept more countries. 1 313 6 Previously in trend: War

Єврокомісія почала зустрічі з Україною щодо скринінгу законодавства аграрної сфери Negotiations on EU membership: EU Commission starts meetings with Ukraine on screening of agricultural legislation The European Commission has started the official screening of the negotiating chapter 11 "Agriculture and Rural Development" in preparation for the start of negotiations on Ukraine’s membership in the EU. 840 7 Ukrainian Politics

Йоганнес Ган Ukraine’s accession to EU may require increase in EU budget by 20% - European Commissioner Hahn EU Commissioner for Budget Affairs Johannes Hahn said that Ukraine’s accession to the EU may require a 20% increase in the EU budget. 1 275 15 World

зеленський Zelenskyy: June is right time to start negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to EU President Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes that the European Union should officially start negotiations on Ukraine’s accession in June to show Russia that Europe does not show weakness. 2 356 48 Ukrainian Politics

роберт,фіцо Slovakia wants Ukraine to join EU as soon as possible. We will not create obstacles - Fico Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico says his country will not create obstacles on Ukraine’s path to the European Union. 3 158 18 World

Голова Комітету Сенату США з питань міжнародних відносин Бен Кардін U.S. should support Ukraine until it becomes member of EU and NATO - Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Cardin There is significant support for Ukraine in the U.S. Congress from both parties, and there is an understanding that America must continue to support Ukrainians not only during the war, but also after it ends, until the country realizes its aspirations to join the EU and NATO. 1 129 25 World

Віцепрем’єр - міністерка з питань європейської та євроатлантичної інтеграції України Ольга Стефанішина Ukraine has agreement with EU to start accession talks in June - Stefanishyna In view of the European Parliament elections, Ukraine and the European Union agreed to approve the negotiation framework for Ukraine’s accession in June. 818 12 Ukrainian Politics

Президент Литви Гітанас Науседа EU to open accession talks with Ukraine in June - Nausėda Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda said that it is important for him that European institutions start accession talks with Ukraine in June. 746 6 World

дюфло,ремі Ukraine must meet democratic criteria to join EU despite war - EU Deputy Ambassador Duflot Ukraine must meet the criteria of democracy to join the European Union regardless of the fact that the country is at war, as the assessment of progress cannot be changed depending on the circumstances. 3 152 39 Ukrainian Politics

матернова,катаріна Ukraine’s accession to EU by 2030 is realistic deadline, says Ambassador Mathernova Ukraine can become a full member of the European Union by the end of 2030. This timeframe for accession is realistic. 3 391 61 Ukrainian Politics

НБУ Accession to EU: European Commission starts screening Ukrainian financial legislation On March 14, the European Commission launched an official screening of Ukraine’s financial legislation. This is Chapter 9 "Financial Services" of the negotiating framework for Ukraine’s accession to the EU. 597 0 Ukrainian Politics

євросоюз European Commission finalises proposals for draft negotiation framework with Ukraine on EU accession Executive Vice President of the European Commission Maroš Šefčovič said that the EC had finalised proposals for a draft negotiation framework with Ukraine. 870 4 Ukrainian Politics

ольга,стефанішина Ukraine has completed implementation of all recommendations received from EC to provide negotiation framework for EU accession - Stefanishyna Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olha Stefanishyna says that Ukraine has completed the implementation of four recommendations received from the European Commission to provide a negotiating framework for EU membership. 1 478 30 Ukrainian Politics

Віцепрезидент Єврокомісії Валдіс Домбровскіс European Commission to present draft negotiation framework on Ukraine’s accession next week - Dombrovskis Next week, the European Commission will submit a draft negotiation framework for Ukraine’s accession to EU member states for further approval. 635 2 World

шмигаль I want to believe that Ukraine will become EU member immediately after victory - Shmyhal Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal believes that Ukraine will become a member of the European Union as soon as it wins the war. 1 680 45 Ukrainian Politics

Урсула фон дер Ляєн у Києві EU to screen Ukraine’s accession legislation by mid-March The European Union will screen Ukrainian legislation for compliance with EU law by mid-March 2024, which precedes the official start of accession negotiations. 1 117 14 World

Президент України Володимир Зеленський We have reached political decision to start negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to EU, - Zelenskyy Following the trilateral talks between President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, and Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Kroo, a political decision was reached to open negotiations on Ukraine’s membership in the European Union. 4 884 127 Ukrainian Politics

ляєн Framework for negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to EU will be ready in early summer, - von der Leyen European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen believes that the negotiation framework for Ukraine’s accession to the EU will be ready in early summer this year. 687 10 World

фон,дер,урсула,ляєн Ukraine will soon be in our Union, - von der Leyen The President of the European Commission believes that Ukraine will soon become a member of the European Union. 2 591 14 World

єс There will be no quick accession of Ukraine to EU. All necessary requirements must be fulfilled, - Vice-President of European Parliament Etienne Vice-President of the European Parliament Jan-Christophe Etienne has spoken out against Ukraine’s rapid accession to the EU. First, Kyiv needs to fulfil all the requirements for membership, including the fight against corruption. 3 430 65 World

ольга,олівер,стефанішина,варгеї Stefanishyna and European Commissioner Varhelyi agree on details of starting negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to EU. PHOTO Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine Olha Stefanishyna and European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Oliver Varhelyi discussed the structure of negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the EU. 1 062 3 Ukrainian Politics

туск,зеленський It is important to form Ukrainian-Polish advisory group to support Ukraine on its way to EU, - Zelenskyy President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes it is advisable to establish a Ukrainian-Polish advisory group to help Ukraine on its path to EU integration. 499 5 Ukrainian Politics

туск Poland will try to help Ukraine in all aspects of EU accession process - Tusk Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said that all political parties in the country are convinced that Ukraine needs to be supported by all available means. 447 3 World