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Stay updated with the most recent activities and news related to the Territorial Centers for Recruitment and Social Support (TCR and SS) across Ukraine. In 2024, notable changes include the implementation of new legal procedures, arrests connected to corruption, and innovations in the mobilization process intended to streamline operations and enhance transparency. Key incidents illustrate both challenges and advancements within TCR and SS, such as the arrest of officials in Lviv for bribery, the death of a mobilized man under suspicious circumstances in Rivne, and the transformation of the "Reserve+" app into an online TCR platform by the Ministry of Defence. These developments reflect ongoing efforts to address inefficiencies and misconduct while optimizing the mobilization and recruitment framework amidst the broader socio-political landscape in Ukraine.
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Стерненка Story of my search is direct order from Syrskyi, who was offended by demands to reform army - Sternenko Volunteer Serhii Sternenko accused the AFU Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi of putting him on the wanted list through the TCR and SS. 21 427 177

У ТЦК прокоментували розшук Стерненка TCR and SS about putting Sternenko on wanted list: He did not provide number of important details, it is not "revenge" The Odesa Regional TCR and SS commented on putting volunteer Serhii Sternenko on the wanted notice. 37 748 175

СБУ викрила агента РФ, який працював у ТЦК на Волині Agent of Russian Federation, who worked in TCRSS and prepared series of Russian coups, was detained in Volyn - SSU. PHOTOS In the Volyn region, a Russian agent who was preparing to shell the region was exposed. He was a 30-year-old serviceman who served in a security unit of the local shopping center. 8 816 60 Previously in trend: War

Умєров TCR and law enforcement agencies will exchange data through electronic system, which will allow to quickly receive information about violators, - Umerov The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved important changes to strengthen military records and track violations of the law. 7 125 47

Працівників Голосіївського РТЦК, які допомагали ухилянтам, заарештували Case of Holosiivskyi DTCR: Various measures of restraint imposed on six defendants - SBI Three employees of the Holosiivskyi District TCR and SS and three civilians who helped conscripts evade military service have been arrested. Pre-trial restraints have been imposed on them. 2 867 7

Військовий квиток Mobilized man dies in Rivne hospital: relatives suspect he was beaten, OC "West" says he committed AWOL and was outside military unit for 3 days before his death (updated). DOCUMENT On 22 October 2024, Yurii Protsyk, who was mobilised on 16 October, died in a hospital in Rivne. His family suspects that he was beaten, which could have been the cause of his death. 25 866 100

У Львові затримали співробітника ТЦК за спробу "відкупити" колегу In Lviv, employee of TCRSS was detained for trying to "buy off" colleague who was caught drunk at post during inspection - Prosecutor’s office. PHOTO Under the procedural supervision of the Lviv Specialised Defence Prosecutor's Office of the Western Region, a 44-year-old official of the district territorial center for recruitment and social support was served a notice of suspicion of providing an unlawful benefit, for committing any action in the interests of a third party by an official using his/her power or position, by prior conspiracy of a group of persons (Part 3 Art. 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). 6 407 29

ТЦК SSU detains in Kyiv assistant head of Podilskyi TCR who offered bribe to defer mobilization Employees of the SSU Military CI Department detained the assistant head of the Podilskyi District Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support in Kyiv, who offered assistance with an illegal deferral from mobilization for a monetary reward. 2 488 9

У Києві викрили працівників Голосіївського ТЦК, які допомагали ухилянтам Gang of bribe-takers from Holosiivskyi TCR is detained: $1.2 million, 11 luxury cars are seized. PHOTOS Three employees of the Holosiivskyi TCR and the Kyiv SS, the former head of the MMC and two civilians helped conscripts evade military service. 21 497 88 Previously in trend: Grafters

На Тернопільщині ДБР затримала начальника районного ТЦК Fuel vouchers in exchange for deferral from mobilization: SBI exposes head of Ternopil RTCR on bribery. PHOTOS Law enforcement officers exposed and served a notice of suspicion to the head of the Ternopil District Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support. The military commissar demanded one thousand litres of diesel fuel for postponing military service. 3 315 15

Поліція розпочала провадження за фактом самогубства чоловіка у приміщенні ТЦК на Полтавщині Suicide of man in TCR Poltava region: Proceedings initiated under article on "premeditated murder" Law enforcement agencies have opened a criminal investigation under the article on "premeditated murder" after the body of a man was found in one of the technical premises of a preliminary gathering point for conscripts in Poltava region. 9 711 99

Самогубство в ТЦК Man taken by police commits suicide at preliminary gathering point for conscripts in Poltava region - TCR On October 21, 2024, in the Poltava region, the body of a man with clear signs that he had committed suicide was found in one of the technical rooms of a preliminary gathering point for persons liable for military service. 20 574 122

Фейк про набір польських військових для роботи в ТЦК та СП Russians spreading fake on behalf of UNITED24 that Ukraine planning to involve Polish military personnel to work in TCRSS - CCD. VIDEO Russian propaganda is spreading a fake video on behalf of the UNITED24 platform claiming that Ukraine plans to engage Polish military personnel in December 2024 to work in the TCRSS. 4 903 13

Рейди ТЦК у публічних місцях After TCR raids in public places, attendance of citizens at military registration and enlistment offices has increased, - Kyiv TCR Raids of the military commissariats in public places have increased the number of cases of voluntary attendance of citizens at military commissariats. 6 995 29 Previously in trend: mobilization

Нацрада закликала ЗМІ коректно висвітлювати мобілізацію та ТЦ National Council called on media to correctly cover "sensitive" topics of mobilization and work of TCR The National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting has called on the Ukrainian media to take a "correct and professional" approach to covering "sensitive" topics of the mobilization process and the activities of the TCR in Ukraine against the backdrop of hostile propaganda. 6 420 46

Федієнко прокоментував рейди ТЦК "Servant of People" Fedienko on TCR raids: Commanders are asking for replenishment The raids by the TCR employees are related to the fact that commanders are applying for replenishment of personnel. 17 077 54 Previously in trend: mobilization

зсу TCR commented on raid after "OE" concert: there were no conflicts involving military, violators were detained by police The Kyiv City TCR and SS commented on the massive document checks of male visitors after the concert of the band Okean Elzy on Friday, 11 October, in Kyiv. 7 736 44

Кабмін ухвалив постанову про реєстр Оберіг для чоловіків від 16 до 25 років Men aged 16-25 who will apply for passport will be automatically included in "Oberig" register - Donetsk TCR and SS The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a resolution that allows for automatic verification and updating of data on conscripts, persons liable for military service and reservists. Boys between the ages of 17 and 25 will be able to register as conscripts without the need to undergo a medical examination. 11 059 39 Previously in trend: mobilization

Сергій Положай Дніпро конфлікт General director of Steko Polozhai scolded representatives of TCRSS in Dnipro: "I have 1,760 people working, and you are soldier, f#ck, go dig". VIDEO A video is circulating on social media showing an incident involving Serhii Polozhay, CEO of Steko, a manufacturer of metal-plastic windows. He uses obscene language against TCRSS representatives during the document check. 34 183 322

Створять гарячу лінію для звернень щодо корупції в ТЦК Poroshenko: Defense Ministry to set up "hotline" for appeals on corruption in TCRs and violations of mobilization rules The leader of the "ES" and the fifth president Petro Poroshenko initiated a "hotline" in the Ministry of Defense to report corruption in the TCR and violations of the law during mobilization. 2 496 36 Previously in trend: mobilization

Мобілізація військовозобов'язаних віком від 50 до 60 років There is no direct ban on mobilization of persons liable for military service aged 50 to 60 - Sumy TCR Ukraine has changed the rules of mobilization of persons liable for military service aged 50 to 60. Such citizens can be called up only under a special mobilization order. 16 500 74 Previously in trend: mobilization

начальник Головного управління персоналу Генерального штабу ЗС України полковник Роман Горбач General Staff on innovations in mobilization mechanism: "Volunteer will not enter TCR at all" The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine spoke about innovations in the mobilisation mechanism that allow military unit commanders to call up persons liable for military service and reservists for military service during mobilisation without the participation of the TCR and SS. 16 204 24

зсу 130 units are prioritized for manning and can attract volunteer fighters without involvement of TCR, - General Staff of AFU More than 130 military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been prioritized for manning with volunteer fighters without the participation of the TCR during mobilization. 20 945 28 Previously in trend: mobilization

Кабмін скоротив термін явки до ТЦК за повісткою Deadline for appearing at TCRSS on summons has been reduced from 14 to 7-10 days - Cabinet resolution The Cabinet of Ministers has shortened the time limit for a person liable for military service to appear at a military enlistment office under a postal summons. 8 764 80 Previously in trend: mobilization

У Ніжині жінку оштрафували на 140 тис. грн за повідомлення про пересування ТЦК Fine of UAH 140 thousand and confiscated phone: In Chernihiv region, woman was punished for publications about movement of TCR In Chernihiv region, a woman was fined UAH 140 thousand for informing about the movements of TCR employees. 10 368 56 Previously in trend: mobilization

конфлікт в Одесі між водієм і ТЦК Six employees of TCR in Odesa swear and break car window, and driver "rides" one of them on hood in return. VIDEO In Odesa, police detained a driver who "rode" a TCR employee on the hood. 32 354 210 Previously in trend: War

львів,тцк Head of mobilization department of Kharkiv RTCR and SS Romanenko: "Busification is more of myth". VIDEO All recruitment centres operate within the law, and "busification" is a myth. 12 576 94 Previously in trend: War

Працівника ТЦК у Чернівцях оштрафували за побиття чоловіка TCR employee was fined UAH 850 for beating man while serving summons in Chernivtsi The Sadhirskyi District Court of Chernivtsi fined a TCR employee for beating a man while delivering a summons. 6 125 60

Запорізький ексвоєнком залучав військовослужбовців до ремонту свого будинку He used military to repair his house: Ex-military officer from Zaporizhzhia is served new suspicion notice. PHOTOS The former head of the Zaporizhzhia TCR and SS, who is suspected of corruption, involved military personnel in the repair of his house. 7 905 22

Перевірка документів ТЦК Persons liable for military service who have not updated their registration data are wanted by police - Ivano-Frankivsk Regional TCR Persons liable for military service who have not updated their personal data are violators of military registration and are wanted by the police. 19 356 82

Військовий квиток Right to postponement is not automatic postponement: Explanation of TCRSS The head of the communication group of the Poltava regional TCRSS, Major Roman Istomin, informed the public about the procedure for granting postponements from the draft for mobilization. 17 882 88

Умєров Mobilization rates tripled over year. Next step - TCR reform, - Umierov Over the past year, mobilization rates in Ukraine have tripled. 39 621 79

ТЦК мобілізували учасників мистецького проєкту МУР MUR art project claimed that TCR mobilised their technical staff before performance in Uzhhorod: Military commissariat denies information The creative project MUR stated that representatives of the territorial recruitment centre had taken away all the technical part of the team on the eve of the concert in Uzhhorod, which took place on 18 September. 7 434 54

Укрпошта почала розсилати перші 6000 повісток без участі ТЦК "Ukrposhta" sent out first 6,000 summonses without TCR participation - media On 17 September, the first centralised exchange of summonses in electronic form took place in Ukraine. The summonses were generated by the Register of Persons Liable for Military Service and automatically sent to "Ukrposhta's" servers. 69 195 159 Previously in trend: mobilization

тцк та поліція б’ють хлопця у Львові In Lviv, employee of TCRSS kicked civilian man twice in presence of policeman. VIDEO In Lviv, an employee of the TCRSS, in the presence of a police officer, kicked a young man who was being detained twice. 32 502 198 Previously in trend: War

Батько трьох дітей не обов'язково має право на відстрочку: Пояснення ТЦК Father of three minors is not always entitled to deferment from mobilisation: TCR’s clarification A father of three children is not necessarily entitled to a deferment from mobilisation. 24 950 37 Previously in trend: mobilization

У Мукачево чоловік вдарив працівника ТЦК пляшкою по голові In Mukachevo, man hit employee of TCR on head with bottle: He was detained. VIDEO In Transcarpathia, the military detained a young man near the Transcarpathian RTCR and SS. They reported an attack on an employee of the Mukachevo military registration and enlistment office. 17 027 171

Працівника ТЦК Тернопільщини викрили на продажі гуманітарних авто для ЗСУ In Ternopil region TCR employee was detained for selling humanitarian vehicles for Armed Forces of Ukraine. PHOTOS Law enforcers exposed a 46-year-old serviceman of the district territorial centre for recruitment and social support of Ternopil region on selling vehicles imported from abroad as charity aid for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 12 299 49

хабарники з тцк івано-франківськ Deputy Head of Ivano-Frankivsk TCR and Head of District Military Commissariat are exposed for bribery - Strategic Investigations Department of National Police. PHOTOS Operatives of the Strategic Investigations Department in the Ivano-Frankivsk region and investigators of the Regional Police Investigation Department simultaneously detained three officials of territorial centers for recruitment and social support involved in corruption schemes. 46 843 35 Previously in trend: Grafters

ТЦК: перевірка документів Lubinets calls for thorough investigation into beating and death of mobilized man in Zakarpattia In Zakarpattia region, the number of appeals regarding illegal actions of representatives of the TCR and SS has increased. 10 464 51

хабар у ТЦК на Рівненщині Prosecutor’s Office: TCR servicewoman in Rivne region helped to avoid mobilization for $13,000. PHOTO In Rivne region, law enforcement officers detained a servicewoman of the district TCR who promised to help avoid mobilisation in return for a bribe. 12 011 48 Previously in trend: mobilization

нацполіція Man who shot at military personnel of TCR in Lutsk was detained - National Police. PHOTO In Lutsk, police detained a man who shot at the TCR soldiers in late August. 8 340 18

Конфлікт між ТЦК та цивільними в Одесі In Odesa, there was conflict between TCR and men: Military enlistment office says men attacked soldiers. VIDEO On 29 August, in Peresypskyi district of Odesa, there was a conflict between representatives of the TCR and civilians. 25 896 198

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